annsni said:
I could bet that there are those of us who could nurse with out you even knowing we were. I have a friend who is SO weirded out by nursing and he'd RUN anytime I had to nurse the baby (so I'd leave the room).
Since you asked, I hope you can take my reply but I'll try to tone it down. Probably shouldn't even respond.
Why would you do this to anyone, especially a friend? Why not have enough courtesy to go somewhere private? That should be automatic. Or at the
very least, you should have asked if he minded you involve him in such an intimate act. And even then, how do you know you are not enticing him (unless he is a really close friend you trust to tell you the truth, then maybe) though that is probably rare. But why place someone in such a compromising position? It makes no sense.
At the very least, you may have left him with a feeling that he violated something sacred in his marriage (if he is married) with your immodesty. Glad to hear one of the guys ran away, that is what they should do.
One time we were at a huge fair we have here on Long Island (the Oyster Festival in Oyster Bay) and my baby was hungry. We were there for hours and still had a few more hours to go so we all went to the food tent, sat down to listen to the band and eat (of course there's LOTS of food at festivals).
Those places are dirty, smelly, loud and people can get wild-especially near a band where alcohol is often served. No place for a baby imo.
Well, about 10 minutes after the baby started nursing I stopped to nurse and my friend, who was talking to me the whole time right across the table, suddenly got wide-eyed and said "Were you.....FEEDING the baby????"
Yes, it freaks people out. Everyone knows this. I know sometimes, it can't be helped. And that's fine but even then, the mother can face another direction while involved in such an intimate act god created to be shared between a man and woman.
I just said "Yup. For the last 10 minutes." LOL I have to say, I got really good at public nursing without anyone knowing (good clothing helps a lot in this case).
Why would you laugh about it?

there is nothing funny about making your friend uncomfortable. At least have the courtesy to say you need to breastfeed and let him have an out. Maybe he will stay and converse with you, maybe not.
So I bet you someone could nurse right next to you and you'd never know.
I imagine it has happened, and therefore, didn't hurt me....