Thank you. I was not familiar with the term "world flight".Let me clarify a bit.
We can agree scripturally that there is in scripture teaching about a wicked world system that is in direct opposition to God and His people.
We should not compromise in order to fit into that system. We tell people we are in the world, but not of it.
Amish people in extreme fashion in trying to separate from the world and "worldly" things, behave in odd ways and are guilty of world flight
No cars, no electricity, dress odd, avoid interaction with outsiders.etc. In short they live in a bubble.
Some in fundamentalist circles are doing the same
thing Because sin is present many Christians absent themselves from contact with sinners.
Jesus sought them out, eat with them, and interacted.
If we never venture outside of our Christian bubble..[what bubble?] Christian Church, Christian Home,Christian School, Christian bible study with other christians, Christian hospitality, Christian base groups, Christian friends, Christian softball league,Christian fishing and camping trips,etc when do we engage the lost in the world?
I heard a tragic thing.A person was attending
church. They had an unsaved spouse, but were hoping that by reaching out to other couples they might get their children around young people who were in the church.and also perhaps help with the unsaved spouse to be drawn into interaction with the believers.
They were told by one of the first couples that the husband in the Christian family did not want his children to play with their children because there was an unsaved spouse.....
That is one example of "world flight"
While we agree on some aspects such as gospel and Kingdom representation, I do not think we are to be absent here, and by default be subject to the ungodly at every turn.
Joseph in Gods providence was raised up to political office in Egypt, by Gods design.He did not decline.
I am not advocating compromise of principle, but taking a stand and occupying for God, until He comes.
I think that we are to interact with the World (engagement) but that we are at the same time to be separated from the World (called out).
For me this engagement means standing for Godly principles, sharing the gospel of Christ, and working with my fellow believers. To share the gospel we interact with people. We have to interact to love them.
For me, being "called out", "separated from" the World means fidelity to the Kingdom of God, towards which the World is hostile. It means not participating in the systems (powers and principles) of the World as best I can.
I am often tempted to jump in (especially with politics) but have to ask myself "to what end?". It is tempting to preach to the World their sins, to try to make the World right, but I have to remember we are not to judge the World as it has already been judged. We can do nothing to make the World right (that is what the World tries to do) as it is condemned already.
So I try to proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom of God to those who will listen. Rather than trying to save the World, to make the World right, I have to remember my purpose is to increase His Kingdom.