Soooo... Dake's Bible is pretty interesting.
Has anyone been able to use this Bible as their primary Bible, without getting all hung up on issues that they don't agree with? Or does anyone agree with most or all of the notes?
- It comes in large print with a modern crisp font (my eyes are too weak for regular print and light text)
- It has a lot of notes, and the lists are interesting
- Concordance
- Greek and Hebrew
Cons: I'll let other people have the fun of listing those
Dispensations: The Dispensation of Grace starts in Matthew 3, which sounds more reformed than dispensational. Does anyone know of other Matthew 3 dispensationalists?
As I have shared before, my life is pretty mobile, and I usually have to leave most of my books behind. I have learned that when flying, no matter how large a Bible I am holding in my arms, it usually is not counted towards either my "purse" or "carry on". Last time I flew, thanks to social distancing, I had the whole row to myself and used my Bible as a pillow. I know my time here is limited. I am considering the idea of attempting to use a Large print Dake as my travel Bible on the next hop.
If you think the Dake Bible is horrible, what would you do with it if it were all you had for a couple months, besides a cell phone? Yeah, yeah, use it as firewood. LOL. But seriously. Unless you think it is so bad that it does not include the word of God so would be a sin to read it, what would you do with it?
Imagine you were in solitary confinement at a prison and could only have a single Bible to "practice your religion" and had nothing else except the trash from your meal and your clothes and toiletries to amuse yourself. I have known people in this situation that read the Bible through multiple times, and wanted the biggest Bible possible. Would you choose a Dake over a Bible with no study notes or fewer study notes?
How many people do you think consult a Dake Bible, but pretend they got the information elsewhere or thought it up themselves, rather than be transparent about where they got it?