No, the question is what do we think of Mr Wilkerson's warning direct and live from the Holy Spirit.Yes, we would recongnize its genuineness. Although all cannot do all gifts, the Spirit in each of us would testify they are real.
It is very possible that some gifts have ceased since the early church in Acts. I do not know. I have seen teaching, preaching, even prophecy, but tongues, no. If tongues are spoken, is there an interpreter present like the Bible says so everyone else knows what God is saying.
A prophet of God is 100% correct at all times. Not 90,80. As I understand the situation, this guy has made rants in the past that have not come true. As said above, why not specific as to what, where and when. Why, because its a bunch of baloney.
If Mr Wilkerson had received a word from the Lord, it would have been exact and specific. So, he is either a fraud or a gnostic, as he is keeping some of the knowledge to himself.
Yes, there were plenty of prophets throughout the Bible. Yes, God is warning us today. We as a nation deserve God's wrath if anyone ever did. We have been the most blessed nation in history. At the same time, we have gone beyond sinning to rubbing God's nose in it by enacting laws that encourage sinning, such as abortion and gay marriage. At least 50 years ago people were ashamed of it and tried to hide it. One of the reasons I do not believe a thing this guy says is that why do we deserve a special warning? We have been warned.
We do not disagree on the warning, just the messenger.