First of all, I take exception with your usage of the phrase, "representative of the word of God." Now look, either something is the word of God or it isn't. Either a manuscript is the word of God or it isn't. You say this or that is "representative of the word of God." Do you not believe a manuscript is hte word of God? If not, what then is the word of God?
So, if, in your opinion, the Greek manuscripts and texts are NOT the word of God, where did our present English Bible come from?
If one of the Greek manuscripts IS the word of God, which one? There are presently over 5,600 of them, all different.
If one of them is the word of God, how do you know it is the word of God to the exclusion of all others?
These are questions you are going to have to learn to answer, sooner or later. Hopefully they will cause you to examine what you believe and why you believe it to the extent that your faith can grow beyond the milk to the meat of the word.