No everyone is as spiritual as you and live on such a high spiritual plane. There are new Christians. There are many that need to be discipled.The Bible says if we delight in Him He will give us the desires of our heart, which are desires conformed to His will.
Same as above. I know you have reached sinless perfection, but we are not all there yet.He also says we have the "mind of Christ."
I gave you an example of what happens with many people. I didn't say it was necessariy "mine," although it is easy to do. I don't know that the great majority of people are devoted to fitness. The great majority of people of America are either overweight or obese. So we know that is not the case. We also know that the natural tendency of man is laziness. People give in to their own desires more often than not, unless it affects their paychecks.This might be your desire, but to the person devoted to fitness and the workaholic the desire would not be the same.
And not everyone is a good parent--giving the child everything he/she wants--giving into the child's desires. Good parenting is becoming a lost art.Not necessarily true as our desires can also stem from our responsibilities, i.e. being a parent.
So, if we all gave of our talents instead of our money, the bills would still get paid??Giving is not necessarily monetarily. It is also your time and how you are gifted. As believers we are all called to serve.
There is not faulty premise here. If there is no giving, the finances of the church are nil; the church collapses.Faulty conclusion based on a faulty premise.
It is not simply Levitical law. If you think that you haven't studied your Bible. Abraham tithed. Jacob tithed. They were well before the Law. Abraham tithed to Melchizedek, a type of Christ.Agreed we are all to be responsible...disagree this requires adhering to an OT levitical law not designed for the NT church. Many times more money means more waste, and I have witnessed just that. If more people gave less and served more you wouldn't need to worry about more property, additional services requiring additional staff, etc. I see something seriously wrong when over 3/4 of monies received go toward maintaining a property and paying a couple salaries. Is that what God had in mind when He gave the ordinance of the tithe? I doubt it. The modern church has turned into a business. I won't go into specifics, but when a church is constantly asking for additional money above and beyond normal giving for community outreach, discipleship events, etc. due to not being able to supply this because of salaries and property maintenance, something is seriously wrong.
Besides, as Jim mentioned, a tithe could just be a starting place. There is no law you have to keep it there. OT law would be far more than 10%. Dr. Bob figured it out to something like 35-40%. There was far more than just that one 10% tithe according to the law. They had many tithes that they were responsible for. To say that we are going according to Levitical Law is a misnomer, and showing a lack of Biblical knowledge.
Tithing does not produce an over-abundance of money in my experience, especially among small churches--which is what I am mostly acquainted with. If you are in a very large church perhaps it might be time to take your finances and some members of your church and go and start another church. Give more money to missions. If you have an abundance of money there are many worthwhile projects that it can be used for. I can give you lots of suggestions. It doesn't have to go to bigger and better buildings. You don't have to be like the rich man in Luke 12.