Since it was me who made the comment about what we do, maybe I should say something.
We believe the Bible teaches that believers today should tithe. The tithe existed before the law but was codified in the law. Jesus stated that people should have been just and merciful and tithe. If the tithe is outdated, so should showing mercy. But because we believe that this is what God's people ought to do, we also believe that those who are called to be leaders such as SS teachers, small group leaders, worship leaders, deacons and pastors should lead the way in being obedient.
As I said in the other thread, I cannot look at what people give. I have no access to that information. I can't and I don't want to know. But when we are considering someone for a leadership poisition, someone, usually the head of the personnel committee but sometimes me, will ask the treasurer if the person tithes. She will tell the leader if it looks like someone tithes or does not. Appearances are sometimes deceptive and sometimes a person gives cash and does not want the tax record. So the next step if there is still a question, is to ask the person in an interview if they tithe. If their answer is yes, we accept their word for it.
This is not the only area we talk to leaders about. But if we are going to put people in front of the church as leaders, we feel this is one of those areas in which they ought to be obedient to God's Word.
I bet that every church has areas that they ask their leaders to be examples in. This is one of ours.