Yes, let us look at all the Democrats elected under the Electoral College system since 1932.
1. FDR (4 terms)
2. Harry S. Truman (1 term from the death of FDR, 1 term elected)
3. JFK
4. LBJ (1 term)
5. Jimmy Carter (1 term)
6. Bill Clinton (2 terms)
6. Barack Obama (2 terms)
Suddenly, after the election of 2016 in which Orange Man Bad Donald Trump defeats Saint Hillary Clinton, the call goes out to abolish the Electoral College system. This is how the Democrats of today now operate, if they don't win one single election they want the rules changed, all the while quickly forgetting how it worked in their favor time and time again.
The current crop of Dems are cheaters. They have to rig the system because clear thinking, mature Americans don't want socialism and don't want to pay for illegal aliens to freeload off their tax dollars.
The Democrats don't have a policy that REAL Americans want, so they have to rig the system in order to get into power by any means and it doesn't matter if they have to lie, cheat, steal and it doesn't matter who they have to destroy, as long as they get in power.
The difference is that Democrats want to be in power, but Conservatives want to govern. The Democrat platform is all about what they can take away from you. They want to take your money, your privacy, your guns, your freedom, everything. They want power and control and they want to remake America into a Soviet-style country where your children are wards of the state and government owns pretty much everything.
The Democrat Party is a criminal enterprise.