Can't you understand that there is a major difference between majority rule and mob rule?
It's pretty much the same. The mob is the majority in mob rule. That's they call it "mob" rule.
In the majority rule, the majority makes all of the decisions for everyone else and the minority has no representation, no say, whatsoever. If the majority makes all of the rules that everyone else is forced to abide by. The majority can do whatever it wants, in a pure Democratic setting. It the essence of mob rule. Whoever has the most, calls the shots and it doesn't matter if those shots are good or evil.
Our government was set up to a "majority rules" situation. That is why the minority party in Congress is not powerless and has to subjugated to the majority. It is why we have an Electoral College that makes sure that states with smaller populations have an equal say in who becomes president. Wyoming has as much say as New York in the electoral process.
Mob rule is a majority rule in function if not form. Your the one confuses "mob rule" with anarchy, which is the opposite of mob rule.
Man is basically evil. To give everything to majority rule would mean that we would be ruled by an evil, tyrannical majority that would send this country into the abyss.
What happens when the majority decides that children are the wards of the state and limit's parental rights over their kids? What happens when the majority decides that Churches are subject to state censors that decide what the church can and cannot teach?
People who support a majority rule are simple-minded, short-sighted fools who would give over their freedom to the majority and would subject this nation to totalitarian rule by whatever "majority" make up would be.