Maybe a different angle on the relationship of faith and works is in order. After salvation, we are a new creature in Christ. Our desires are different. Before salvation, our natural inclination was to sin, after salvation we want to please the Lord. A big difference the Holy Spirit made. We may sin after salvation, but we do not want to. Romans 7 and 8 go into detail on this.
Anyway, our actions after salvation, as a part of wanting to please our Savior, is to obey His commandments. However, it comes naturally for the saved person. It is a matter of living like Jesus, becoming more like Him each day, as guided by the Holy Spirit. It is NOT a matter of memorizing rules, laws, and ordinances and trying to obey them under our own power. That is what the Pharisees did. In addition to the commandments being obeyed as a natural process, we also produce good works after salvation, again, because of our new desires.
Works is a byproduct of salvation and faith. Works and obeying commandments before salvation are worthless.