This thread is proving to be rather unfruitful. Good day guys.
Fine....But you did not answer my question. Good evening.
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This thread is proving to be rather unfruitful. Good day guys.
You are contending (if I am misunderstanding please let me know) that:
1. His children cannot commit the sin of unbelief.
2. Christ's atonement does not cover the sin of unbelief.
Both these notions are WRONG.
No two legged preacher trumps promote stupidity.
We shouldn't consider ourselves "adversaries". If Jesus is our LORD, having been born again, then we are all brothers and sisters in Christ. All we do here on these boards is strive to understand these deep issues as best we can seeing how we are imperfect human beings capable of many errors.
The goal is to be of one mind. While these theological debates are fun and healthy, they should never divide the flock. If one allows them to divide, then that in its self is sin to be repented of. Love you all!! Blessings!
But they think it is.....the preacher speaks the Word and bang zoom I be saved. Again how you gonna speak to the child who dies 2 days after birth. I'd like for them to explain that one to me.
Joe....I'm on the same page with you on everything but Absolute Predestination. And you are right, that is a seperate conversation for a different day.
It is so good though to converse with another Old School Baptist....there are very few of us and frankly both Modern Baptists and Calvinists annoy me. Calvinists though are becoming fewer and fewer on BB, which I'm fairly sure causes most here to breathe a sigh of relief.![]()
Brother Steve,
Yes it is good to talk with another old school Baptist on the board! I disagree with the Calvinists on justification and also some Calvinists hold to gospel regeneration (but that is probably the minority). I think they are in the same camp as me as far as absolute predestination (though they may refer to it as the providence of God). Also, I am willing to bet even most of the Calvinists haven't even heard of the doctrine of eternal vital union. I find a lot less in common with the Arminians and also the free will and gospel regeneration Baptists on the board. However I consider all of these groups to be my brothers in Christ as they have evidence of faith in Christ as Lord and that he died and rose again to save people from their sins.
I sure hope what I'm about to ask doesn't get something bad started (not by you), but what is the difference as you see it between Old School Baptists and Calvinists? I am sincerely asking this, not to try to stir up discord.
....What I am contending is that all his elect children will at sometime during their life believe upon Jesus, though they may have periods of unbelief in their lives like the disciples even did, but they will know who He is while they live upon earth and place their faith in His death for their sins. Also, let me make it clear, I by no means contend all of His elect will hear the gospel preacher......
In my own words, the most prominent differences in doctrine between Primitive Baptists and Reformed are:
Most Reformed hold to gospel or means regeneration which occurs simultaneously upon hearing and belief of the gospel. PBs (and a few Reformed and Founders SB) hold to direct or immediate regeneration which can occur decades before hearing and belief of the gospel.
Reformed hold that all the elect will at some point in their lives make a formal profession of faith, mainstream PBs say that's not necessarily so.
Reformed tend toward absolutism, mainstream PBs toward overruling providence.
.... You are contending (if I am misunderstanding please let me know) that one can be born again, but never believe in Jesus.....
....I don't understand your reply here. Your reply above is in response to John 3:36 that says, "36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him."...
Are you arguing to contend that those who do not believe who thus "shall not see life...
Hi Brother Steaver,
The following outlines Augustine's writing on Predestination-
If you don't care to read that writing as it is very long, here are a ton of quotes from Augustine from the following site that proves he believed in the doctrines of grace
..The human will is so divinely helped in the pursuit of righteousness, that he [the believer] receives the Holy Spirit, by whom there is formed in his mind a delight in, and a love of, that supreme and unchangeable good, which is God. By this gift to him of the down payment, as it were, of the free gift, he [the believer] conceives a burning desire to cleave to his Maker. A mans free will, indeed, does not help at all except to sin, if he does not know the way of truth. And even after he begins to know his duty and proper aim, unless he also takes delight in and feels a love for it, he neither does his duty, nor sets about it, nor lives rightly. Now, in order that such a course may engage our affections, Gods love is shed abroad in our hearts, not through the free will which arises from ourselves, but through the Holy Spirit, who is given to us [Rom 5: 5].
What is grace? That which is freely given. What is “freely given”? Given, not paid. If it was due, wages would be given, but grace would not be bestowed. But if it was really due, then you were good. But if, as is true, you were evil but believed on him who justifies the ungodly (What is, “who justifies the ungodly”? the ungodly is made righteous), consider what by right hung over you by the law and you have obtained by grace. But having obtained that grace by faith, you will be just by faith—”for the just lives by faith.”
"In some places God requires newness of heart [Ezek 18:31]. But elsewherre he testifies that it is given by him [Ezek. 11:19; 36:26]. But what God promises we ourselves do not do through choice or nature; but he himself does through grace."-
"Indeed, God requires faith itself of us; yet he does not find something to require unless he has given something to find."
'Can we possibly, without utter absurdity, maintain that there first existed in anyone the good virtue of a good will, to entitle him to the removal of his heart of stone? How can we say this, when all the time this heart of stone itself signifies precisely a will of the hardest kind, a will that is absolutely inflexible against God? For if a good will comes first, there is obviously no longer a heart of stone.'
"Since these things are so, everything that is commanded to human beings by the Lord in the holy Scriptures, for the sake of testing human free will, is either something we begin to obey by God's goodness, or is demanded in order to show us our need of grace to do it. Indeed, a person does not even begin to be changed from evil to good by the first stirrings of faith, unless the free and gratuitous mercy of God produces this in him…. So, therefore, we should think of God's grace as working from the beginning of a person's changing towards goodness, even to the end of its completion, so that he who glories may glory in the Lord. For just as no-one can bring goodness to perfection without the Lord, so no one can begin it without the Lord."
For them [the Pelagians], grace means the knowledge with which the Lord God helps us, by which we can know what our duty is. The true meaning of grace, however, is the love that God breathes into us, which enables us with a holy delight to carry out the duty that we know.
Can you say, ‘We will first walk in His righteousness, and will observe His judgments, and will act in a worthy way, so that He will give His grace to us’? But what good would you evil people do? And how would you do those good things, unless you were yourselves good? But Who causes people to be good? Only He Who said, ‘And I will visit them to make them good,’ and, ‘I will put my Spirit within you, and will cause you to walk in my righteousness, and to observe my judgments, and do them’ (Ezek.36:27). Are you asleep? Can’t you hear Him saying, ‘I will cause you to walk, I will make you to observe,’ lastly, ‘I will make you to do’? Really, are you still puffing yourselves up? We walk, true enough, and we observe, and we do; but it is God Who He makes us to walk, to observe, to do. This is the grace of God making us good; this is His mercy going before us.
"To will is of nature, but to will aright is of grace."
"God bids us do what we cannot, that we may know what we ought to seek from him."
"Grace alone brings about every good work in us."
"Nature is common to all, but not grace."
"The grace of God does not find men fit for salvation, but makes them so."
"The nature of the Divine goodness is not only to open to those who knock. but also to cause them to knock and ask."
"Let God give what he commands, and command what he will."
"Grace does not destroy the will but rather restores it."
Brother Steaver, it depends upon what you mean by "divide". If members of a congregation come to believe heresy, it is then necessary for those not believing the heresy to separate themselves from those brothers into a different congregation to enable the believers in the church to, " come in the unity of the faith" (Ephesians 4:13). It would not be right for example, for me to join an Arminian church and try to infiltrate it with the 5 points, nor would it be appropriate for you too join a church that has in their articles of faith as the 5 points and try to change it by convincing others of your beliefs.
God bless,
Brother Joe
(See bold) How?
Believe in Jesus. Joe, what does that mean to you?
19 Thou believest that God is one; thou doest well: the demons also believe, and shudder. Ja 2
It has to mean more than just a mere mental assent. To me it's total trust and reliance on Christ and submission to His will, and I say that with the conviction that most of us spend the most of our time 'in the flesh'. Thank God for the imputed righteousness of Christ!
God swore in His wrath 'they (His redeemed) shall not enter into my rest', and He 'destroyed' them in the wilderness. Yet, even after all the wickedness Israel had done in the wilderness after leaving Egypt (unbelief, disobedience, murmuring, idolatry, fornication, rebellion, etc.), and even with Balaam wanting so badly to curse Israel, God made Balaam to declare:
He hath not beheld iniquity in Jacob; Neither hath he seen perverseness in Israel: Jehovah his God is with him, And the shout of a king is among them. Nu 23:21
(Blessed is the man to whom, the Lord will not reckon sin. Ro 4:8)
Any wrath towards His children is in this temporal realm. There are no eternal consequences for His redeemed.
You see that word 'life' and you narrowly think only in the eternal sense? What about the QUALITY of eternal life, the abundant life, during our stay in this temporal realm?
10 The thief cometh not, but that he may steal, and kill, and destroy: I came that they may have life, and may have it abundantly. Jn 10
12 Fight the good fight of the faith, lay hold on the life eternal, whereunto thou wast called, and didst confess the good confession in the sight of many witnesses.
19 laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on the life which is life indeed. 1 Tim 6
Thanks for the info and quotes! :thumbsup: Now was this considered "new" theology/doctrine of the day? Or did all agree with him at the time?
And look at what we have today. Thousands of denominations and sects all pointing and declaring each other heretics. Each one believes they have it just right....pat pat pat on da back! :tongue3:
Take away all the theological mumbo jumbo and just read the scriptures with each other and there would be no divisions. We would ALL agree with what was being read!!!!!! "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved" .....I bet we both say AMEN! :thumbs: