Actually there isn't any. The RCC would like to pull off this dichotomy in the definitions of these two synonyms but in reality there isn't any difference.The key and correct word you use Johnv is "veneration"...There's a huge difference between "veneration" and "worship" and most Protestants are unfamiliar with the term "veneration" and/or the differences...I know I was as a Protestant.
Would you worship me?
Would you venerate me?
Why or why not? The answer is because I am not worthy of worship; only God is worthy of worship (veneration). Just as you would not worship me or any other person on this board you would not venerate them either for it is the same as worship. There is no difference.
–verb (used with object), -at⋅ed, -at⋅ing. to regard or treat with reverence; revere.
1615–25; < L venerātus, ptp. of venerārī to solicit the goodwill of (a god), worship,[/b] revere, v. deriv. of vener-, s. of venus, presumably in its original sense “desire”; see Venus )![]()
To venerate is to worship.
Only God is worthy of worship/veneration. It is blasphemous to give that honor to any other. In fact that would be the very definition of idolatry.