... the only difference between
a) those murdering thugs, versus
b) people here who love to dig up and air dirt about Catholics, and stretch the truth to make more such dirt, and invite others to join them,
is the degree. It was the same motive: contempt for Catholics.
If someone was to obsessively do this stuff about Alive In Christ, Steaver, or you, all of you would see what it was about. You would know that no matter how s/he rationalized it or spiritualized it, it was maliciously-motivated.
Unprovoked railing against anyone just for jollies, and soliciting the same by others, is wrong regardless of who it is done against. Acting on grudges is wrong regardless of who it is done against.
Catholics are mistaken people -- but they are people. They ought to be treated like it.
Luke 6:31 "as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise" (KJV) applies to Catholics just it would apply to you folks.
I have shown you all what is wrong with this. You folks seek to justify it and rationalize it and spiritualize it and make it appear to be something good. Not one of you folks' rationalizations, spiritualizations, or sugar-coatings would fool the Lord; He is omniscient and impartial.
If He decides to get your attention in real life, you will have no basis to whine that you were not warned.
Darron I have no contempt for Catholics. I despise the heretical Catholic teachings. I have no malice in my heart for any individual who has been deceived by these teachings. My contempt is for the teachings alone.
No one has been bashing Catholics, only the Catholic doctrines. Are we not commanded to defend the faith?
There have been no actions against Catholics, only discussion of the false and heretical Catholic teachings.
We are not going against the teachings of the Bible by exposing false teachings.
I have already covered this.
If you refuse to see it, I do not see how I can make it any clearer.
Eagerly digging up dirt against anyone, airing it, and stretching the truth to make more dirt against people is acting with hostility toward them. Encouraging others to join them is so as well.
You may not feel contempt for Catholics -- just their teachings. Fine. I feel the same.
Therefore, with someone with nothing against Catholics, but dislike for their precepts, I cannot defend their precepts -- nor what these threads are created for.
You are posting to someone who has helped pass out Gospel tracts in a region where Catholicism is different. Let me be more specific: you are posting to someone who passed out Gospel tracts to adherents of a Catholic group right after a meeting -- in Latin America. That can be dangerous. I dare say that there is something different between
a) digging up dirt on Catholics, airing it, stretching the truth for more dirt, and inviting others to do the same on a place where Catholics are mostly silenced, versus
b) actually doing something for Catholics.
Would you defend the Pharisees so fiercely if we were discussing all of their false teachings?
There are no Pharisees alive.
There are living Catholics.
What evil is there in exposing false teachings?
Again, nothing is being "exposed" here.
Who here does not know about the behavior of many Catholics which is very similar to idolatry? We all know about it.
Nothing has been "exposed" here. That claim is to sugarcoat something worse.
I have covered all this. If you refuse to see it, I cannot be any clearer.
Most of my husband's family is Catholic.
If you showed this thread to them, I doubt that they would sense love for them by those who started or enjoy this thread and others like it.
If I was to show this to my Catholic friends or Catholic acquaintances, they would recognize this as Catholic bashing. They would not see this as an effort to `show them the truth for their good.' They would recognize this as what it is: someone crazed with a desire to say whatever bad things about Catholics they can come up with, and get others to do likewise.
I have no murderous desires toward them. I want them to come to a knowledge of the truth. I cannot battle their heretical beliefs if I don't know what they are. That's what we're discussing here.
If someone here wants to harm someone because they're Catholic, then that one isn't a Christian.
Well, something we can agree on.
If someone here wants to smear someone because their Catholic, and urge others to feel contempt for people who are Catholics, would that come under condemnation from you?
So far, I have seen a lot of defenses for exactly that conduct.
Just because a grudge has not so far led to murder does not make acting on the grudge okay. The news article ought to be a warning to anyone who likes these sorts of discussions. Granted, no one here is likely to murder a Catholic -- but they ought to be concerned about exactly how far indulging their grudges might take them.
I mean, thus far their grudges have led them to want to come up with bad things to say about Catholics and get others to do likewise -- in other words, to rail against Catholics and invite the same from others. That is wrong -- but how much farther will they go?
I really don't understand why you're so angry.
Amy, I am not angry.
I am sad.
I am sad that because of stuff like this thread, many Catholics are led to think that Bible-centered Christians normally hate Catholics.
I am sad that the people who do this stuff are so filled with contempt for Catholics.
It saddens me that their contempt for Catholics outweighs desire to do what is right and shun actions that are wrong.
It grieves me to see people behave so hatefully and masquerade it as something good.
It grieves me to see their obstinacy in it.
Further, I worry that having been warned, they will persist in their obstinacy, and will be dealt with about this by God Himself.
I am not going to spend much more time with this. I do not have time to argue with people who insist that what is wrong is sometimes okay. As much as I would like to help such people, there is only so much I can do.