You're a hoot there's a "second" Adam and that's Christ...I can buy that, but why can't Mary be the second Eve? After all Mary said yes, where Eve said no....
Why? Because your imagination doesn't take the place of the Word of God.
Furthermore, believing Mary to be the second Eve doesn't elevate her to a Redemtrix status're making it up.
I don't make up things that Bob Ryan and others have already quoted to you on this board written by the RCC that they have concluded because of believing in this theology. There is only one mediator, and it ain't Mary.
Yes, there's but one mediator between God and man, and that being Jesus. Mary is NOT a "mediator" in the sense that Mary is a our advocate before God...that's just being uneducated.
Remember I was a Catholic.
And everytime I prayed:
"Hail Mary full of grace pray for us sinners now...", I was asking Mary to intercede for me.
If you don't believe that in that prayer, that every Catholic prays, that Mary is not playing the role of a mediator, then "that's just being uneducated."
Mary can "intercede" for us, just as I can intercede for you...
Your game of semantics doesn't work with me. Mary is dead. Mary is not a priestess between me and God. I don't need you to intercede between me and God. You speak blasphemously. You cannot intercede
for me, that is on my behalf. I can go straight before the throne of grace, on my own behalf without you. You are not a mediator. That is blasphemous. If you want to pray for me, that is a different matter. You can bring some of the requests that I share with you before God. But you are no mediator.
...and per St. John's the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and WAS God...and the Word was made flesh...
Speaking of the deity and eternality of Christ.
The Word that IS God was made flesh through Mary! God took on our humanity from Mary...So, Mary IS the mother of God, she IS truly Theotokos.
No it isn't. It is teaching that Christ became flesh, and that is all. It doesn't say a whit about Mary. Quit reading into the Scripture that which is not there. Mary is not the mother of God, and never was. You sound like a Mormon: "As man was, God is; As God is, man will become." Mary is not an eternal spirit being. This is nonsense. She was used by God at one time in history to bring the body of Jesus to this earth, and that is all. She is not the mother of God.