Ephesians 4:29
is what we as christians must do which leads to Faith
Epesians 2:8
Folks Remeber Salvation is a Gift and Gifts can be rejected or accepted God gave us free will to Choose Salvation and that Salvation is everlasting. Once accept your asking Christ to me your LORD and SAVIOR
LORD--Master, your will is subject to his.
SAVIOR--Your place in Heaven is secure
Now if Christ is your Lord you will follow his will and your works/life will show it and your works will be rewarded in heaven but they will not save you Ephesians 2:9
But your works are important for reward
James 2:24,26
Revelation 2:26
Revelation 20:13
"""I have always believed the bible teaches that the Father elected a certain mass of people called the elect and Christ came to bear their sins on the cross.I Pet 2:24"""
1 Peter 2:24 doesnt support the above statement
I dont see how that verse would make you think that Christ's death applys only to a few people.
"""Webdog--is correct....We are saved by grace alone through faith alone, works have no part in justification. Sanctification is separate from justification."""""
And to Grasshopper
your question was...If Jesus paid for the sins of ALL then what will the lost be punished for? Didn't Jesus pay the price for ALL? Are they punsished for sins that Jesus already paid for? Or did Jesus die for ALL and only pay the sin penalty for the elect?
My answer is this, Sin doesnt send you to hell because we all sin daily. Christ died for all Sin.
BUT in order for sin to be forgive us we must ACCEPT Christ and ASK for FORGIVENESS without accepting Christ you cant get into Heaven.
Matthew 18:3
Simple means for us to depend on Christ for all our needs just like children depend on there parents for there needs. If we do this we will follow Gods will.
Romans 6:23
Means Because of SIN we die thats our punishment.We all are punished for sin through death physically and spritually we are spiritually given eternal life through the acceptance of Christ. We are dead spiritually as lost people hence the phrase "born again" when we are saved our spirit is made new and our lifes changed.
I could go on but I think I will end by saying
The Holy Spirit gives use the understanding of Gods Holy Word through prayer and devotion. If you hear a preacher, minister, chaplain, or other Christian say something look for it in the Bible. If you cant find it pray about it and ask others about it. Beliefs are shaped by what we hear and believe to be truth. Dont let Satan twist Gods words dont come to a belief system because it sounds pretty or its easy. Go by what the Word of God says and remember to take the word of God with love, gentleness, and meekness always praying for wisdom and understanding with an unselfish heart.
Please feel free to contact me
Rev. Jerry D. Lowery