That is not a sentence and fails to express a complete thought, so I have no idea what you are attempting to say. Try writing as if I cannot read your mind. Repent , believe, baptise , recieve ( Acts 2.38 ) is that necessary today ? some pentacostal churches are built on that verse .
No, I don't wonder that at all.
And this year's "Captain Obvious" award goes to ...
Your post was supposed to answer the question:
Are you really of the opinion that unsaved people repent, are baptized and receive the Holy Spirit?
Which was based on the statement by Peter "“Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." and your claim ...
If you answered the question, I did not understand your answer.
I believe that the Jews that heard and obeyed Peter's instructions were saved and received the Holy Spirit as a deposit GUARANTEEING THEIR INHERITANCE, just as Gentiles did in the following chapters of Acts. You have thus far presented not one iota of evidence to refute my belief. I stand with Paul's conclusion that we - Jews and Greeks - are saved by faith and that there is no difference. As far back as Abraham, faith was credited as righteousness and all of God's Children are Children of Faith ... like Abraham.