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Did Jesus Drink Alcoholic Beverages?

Discussion in 'Other Christian Denominations' started by gekko, May 10, 2006.

  1. Living_stone

    Living_stone New Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    That you're arrogant and judging us in matters you are not qualified to judge.

    Alcohol is not a toxin by all definitions of the word - and those are very modern definitions not more than half a century old. Take off your rose-colored 21st century glasses and look at the matter from a truely biblical perspective. The Jews drank wine. Period. Jesus drank wine. Period. Trying to push your prohibitionistic mentality and justifying it by contorting scriptures beyond their actual meanings is wrong.

    Define toxin.
  2. Living_stone

    Living_stone New Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Proverbs 31:5-6 -- Give strong drink to him who is perishing, And wine to him whose life is bitter. Let him drink and forget his poverty And remember his trouble no more.
  3. webdog

    webdog Active Member
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    Mar 31, 2005
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    "They that tarry long at the wine" - drunkeness

    "they that go to seek mixed wine" - addiction

    "Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his colour in the cup, when it moveth itself aright." -= craving alcohol: addiction
    (BTW, this phrase says nothing about white wine, beer, hard liquor, etc.)

    "At the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder. 33 Thine eyes shall behold strange women, and thine heart shall utter perverse things. 34 Yea, thou shalt be as he that lieth down in the midst of the sea, or as he that lieth upon the top of a mast. 35 They have stricken me, shalt thou say, and I was not sick; they have beaten me, and I felt it not: when shall I awake?" - drunkeness (if you have ever been drunk, this text describes it perfectly)

    "I will seek it yet again" - addiction

    See the pattern forming?
  4. tragic_pizza

    tragic_pizza New Member

    Oct 30, 2001
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    You and at least one other person are acting quite offended at the prospect of others seeing the ingestion of alcohol, moderately, as not sinful. You keep bringing up "toxins," and the other poster insists we are making "his Jesus" into something He is not.

    These are marks of someone who is offended, and since said offense is bracketed in theology, it is a theological offense.

    So... why?
  5. gekko

    gekko New Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    "That you're arrogant and judging us in matters you are not qualified to judge."
    first of all - im not judging anybody - but only stating my own opinion on the matter.

    im not offended in one bit tragic. i dont see how you can get that from what im saying...

    its nice - webdog - how you can go into specifics of what the scripture is not saying - and therefore justifying yourself...

    i do the same - im not judging. im just learning - that's all. [​IMG]
  6. webdog

    webdog Active Member
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    Mar 31, 2005
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    You accuse me of eisegeting...and then say you are not "judging"? :rolleyes:

    I did no such thing, but broke down each of your "proof texts" to show you the nature behind what it you are trying to get at (or should I say "reach for")

    BTW, since you accuse me of getting into specifics of what Scripture is "not saying", you still have not told me what Scripture "is saying" from Deuteronomy and Isaiah. Why is that?
  7. gekko

    gekko New Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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  8. gekko

    gekko New Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    what i meant was when you said "(BTW, this phrase says nothing about white wine, beer, hard liquor, etc.)" scripture says nothing about that... i don't know.

    im still iffy about this subject. i mean. the world looks at alcohol for one reason: to get drunk. you guys say that we are allowed to use alcohol, but in moderation. i dont fully understand what the scripture says about it yet. so im not convinced to your side of the sitch. what i think is that if the world thinks to use it to get drunk: and if the world sees us drinking - then they think we're going to get drunk. (im being stereotypical here). so personally i won't drink - heck wine tastes good - but it sure gave me a buzz - and that was the first and last glass i had. (that's another story - to me - i fell) - but to you guys i didn't - but it sure altered my thinking... (i hate the smell of beer anyways).

    so for me - i think its ultimately wrong. you guys dont think so. just to have a little bit.

    who knows their own limits as to when they do/don't get drunk? i sure don't - and i dont intend to find out - because that is just a dangerous situation. no?

    i dont believe in testing where the drawn line is. because if you step over that line without knowing it. your messed. imho.

    you kinda get what im saying?
  9. gekko

    gekko New Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    if it seems at all that i am judging any of you - i apologize. please forgive me for that.

    i dont like judging fellow christians without scripture to support it.

    God bless
  10. Gold Dragon

    Gold Dragon Well-Known Member

    Feb 24, 2005
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    Non Baptist Christian
    I can definitely respect this position and have no problem with anything in this post. [​IMG]

    It is when Christians abuse scripture to defend the pet theologies of their culture that I have a problem with it.
  11. webdog

    webdog Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Mar 31, 2005
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    I can definitely respect this position and have no problem with anything in this post. [​IMG]

    It is when Christians abuse scripture to defend the pet theologies of their culture that I have a problem with it.
    </font>[/QUOTE]I second that [​IMG]
  12. Jacob Dahlen

    Jacob Dahlen New Member

    Feb 28, 2006
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  13. tragic_pizza

    tragic_pizza New Member

    Oct 30, 2001
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    I can definitely respect this position and have no problem with anything in this post. [​IMG]

    It is when Christians abuse scripture to defend the pet theologies of their culture that I have a problem with it.
    </font>[/QUOTE]I second that [​IMG]
    </font>[/QUOTE]I third it.
  14. FriendofSpurgeon

    FriendofSpurgeon Well-Known Member
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    Feb 24, 2003
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    This is news. On my end of the Presbyterian spectrum, we think of you guys as Baptist-lite.


    I learn something new, interesting, and helpful every day.
    </font>[/QUOTE]Yeah, I know. And we think you guys are flaming liberals. In truth, we are probably a whole lot closer than we think. I even have two PCA pastor friends that went to Princeton Seminary (shhh -- don't tell anyone). Also, it probably depends on the part of the country where you live.

    The good news is that we both get to drink wine. [​IMG]
  15. Baptist Believer

    Baptist Believer Well-Known Member
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    Jun 20, 2002
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    Really? Certainly a lot of worldly people use alcohol to get drunk, but a lot of worldly people (maybe most) see alcohol as a complement to a meal, a festive drink, or a natural beverage that’s an alternative to water, tea and coffee.

    Many of us say it because that’s what we are convinced the Bible teaches.

    If “the world” sees that we are not abusing alcohol – and moreover, we are living in the spirit and power of Christ – they will know we are not getting drunk. I’ve been around believers and non-believers with a glass of wine in my hand and it often actually becomes a point of discussion… they are surprised by my moderation and it opens opportunities to discuss spiritual things.

    I had my first glass of wine at the age of 33 – actually, I shouldn’t say “glass” because I only drank half of it. Only once have I had more than one glass of wine in an evening, and usually I drink just half a glass of white wine. I’ve never had the desire to get drink, nor have I ever noticed any effect except for a better night’s sleep.

    That’s a perfectly fine conviction to have. For me, I think I would be wrong to avoid accepting hospitality (a glass of wine or champagne) from those I work with.

    I don’t intend to find out either. And I won’t, because I practice moderation. (It also doesn’t hurt that I’m a very large person, about 6’05” and nearly 300 pounds on a large frame – it would take more than a glass or two of wine for me to feel any effects.)

    Yep. If you are concerned that you won’t be able to control yourself or have the desire to be drunk, then you shouldn’t drink.

    Good post gekko! [​IMG]
  16. tamborine lady

    tamborine lady Active Member

    Oct 22, 2003
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    Matthew 11-19 The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom is justified of her children.

    Yes Jesus drank fermented wine.

  17. Claudia_T

    Claudia_T New Member

    May 11, 2004
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    The prophet Isaiah speaks of the new wine "in the cluster," and says, "Destroy it not; for a blessing is in it." Isa. 65:8. The wine that Jesus provided for the wedding feast, and that which He gave to the disciples as a symbol of His own blood, was the pure juice of the grape.
  18. BobRyan

    BobRyan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Non Baptist Christian
    Alcohol is a drug that goes directly to the central nervous system. Drinking alcohol for recreation is recreational drug abuse and causes huge medical liabilities as well as family problems, traffic accidents etc.

    Culturally WE make a disctinction between Alcohol and ciggaretts -- vs other drugs that we "Control".

    But our cultural acceptance of drug abuse in the case of alcohol and nicotine does NOT form a kind of "standard" for God to follow!

    The Bible condemns it.

    In Christ,

  19. gekko

    gekko New Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    just watch bobryan - they're gonna bring up coffee (which is a drug) and water and other rediculous things.

    i look at it like this - if the bible doesn't talk about it - i tend to stay away from it. which is hard in some cases but you know what i mean - i dont want to adulterate the scriptures.
  20. gekko

    gekko New Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    its just amazing how much people justify themselves in this subject.

    i still stand where i was standing when i made my last post on the previous page.