Originally posted by Hardsheller:
Bob I never said Salvation is being alone without Christ - I said that a person who is out of fellowship with Christ needs to repent and get Jesus back at the center of his life.
WE both agree on their need to accept Christ.
But I see the Bible describing those who have NOT accepted Christ as "lost" and "without Christ" -- ALONE, in NEED of the Savior.
Christ said I have not come to save the healthy but the sick and those in Need.
Christ says COME UNTO ME and then I WILL give you rest.
Christ says that HE is the LIGHT and WE are IN darkness until we accept and embrace HIM as the light and life and truth.
How you would describe the Rev 20 experience PRIOR to "opening the door" and being "IN fellowship" with Christ as "SAVED" is beyond me.
Paul says "HAVING BEEN Justified we HAVE peace with God" Romans 5:1.
Paul says that "IT is NO LONGER I who live but CHRIST who LIVES IN ME" Gal 2:20
Paul says that the one who DOES NOT Walk BY the Spirit putting to death the deeds of the flesh is NOT saved.
Paul says "BE NOT DECEIVED" in 1Cor 6 and lists the acts of rebellion saying "Such people will not enter the kingdom of heaven".
Your description of the "failed state" in Rev 3 as "saved" and "Alone without Christ" as "Salvation" is not supported in all of scripture.
For the Umpteenth time I say it - Rev 3:20 should be taken in the context in which it was written.
Yes - the context is that it is written to a failed church who has "already" reached the failed condition of "luke warm" where Christ says "I will spit you out of my mouth".
AS far as 1 John 2:2-8 goes....The same writer (John) also wrote John chapter 10:28-29.
If this is a way to "Exegete" 1John 2:2-8 by "ignoring the details of the text" -- then it is a new method of exegesis on me.
Looks more like eisegesis trying to ignore the text in question and only read "a more pleasing text" instead.
What say you?
As far as "Spiritually naked" goes do you ever read scripture with any attention to the historical period or the local circumstances it addresses?
They were not LITERALLY naked they were SPIRITUALLY naked which is ONLY applicable to the robe of Christ's righteousness and the fact that they DON't have it.
If you actually have a text that says that being WITHOUT the robe of Christ's righteousness is the "SAVED state" -- show it.
Jesus is making a reference to the environment these Christians had messed up in. Every one of his admonitions is addressed in terms of what they know in their every day lives.
This is not an "environmental update from God" in Rev 3.
Lets stay with the text.
Bob, I agree that we simply need to agree to disagree. In fact we would probably disagree over most subjects that come up!
Pretty funny!
I thought you were Trinitarian - am I wrong?
I thought you accepted the entire 66 books as "scripture" -- did I miss something?
I thought you rejected the doctrine of purgatory, praying to the dead and praying for the dead -- did I assume too much?
I thought you believed in a literal 7 day Creation week where God "really" created the earth and all life on it -- no?
The bottom line is that there are a "lot" of debates on the Baptist board where we would be arguing the same side of the fence.
Don't lose sight of the big picture just because we find a place to differ.
In Christ,