Originally posted by BobRyan:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Scott J
... though I would argue that no physical time necessarily elapses between the moment of regeneration and the moment of belief.
Bob said --
Faith COMES by HEARING. Rom 10
Scott said --
... the Word of God. Is that physical hearing or spiritual hearing?
Well it says "faith COMES by.." so it is PRE-FAITH hearing.</font>[/QUOTE] Nice evasion attempt but that wasn't the question. Was it physical hearing or spiritual hearing? The difference is enormous with regard to our disagreement.
But your answer does help my contention that "faith" is predicated on new birth with its "ear to hear" and not the other way around.
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Scott J said --
Can one hear without an ear to hear? Who grants that ear to hear?
I am happy to give God the credit for Drawing ALL mankind for convicting the WORLD of sin and righteousness and judgement "FIRST".</font>[/QUOTE] Again, your evasion is telling.
Who grants the ability to spiritually hear? Where does it come from? Can a deaf person hear regardless of how badly they might want to?
It is obvious that the hearing referred to here that results in faith is not universal. Some have it. Others don't. Why?
Rom 12
To EACH ONE is given a measure of faith.
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Scott J -
Note: "given".
Yes. God is the one who first GIVES "to EACH ONE" that measure of faith. It is a gift from God no doubt -- but it is unlimited in scope. Given to EACH one!</font>[/QUOTE] Then why aren't "each one" saved?
But I fully agree with you that even with these unlimited scope views - God is still the first actor.
Thanks. But that implies that you think that God can set out to do something an be ineffective at it.
The point for Romans 10 is that the chapter does not start with vs 10. Rather it sets the context with the claim that FIRST comes "believing" and "Confessing" and THEN comes salvation (the New birth, the born-again new-creation that is IN Christ).
"New birth" is part of salvation as are believing and confessing... but they are not quite synonomous terms as you have implied.
One must choose to have the mind of Christ before they are given the mind of Christ.
Can you cite a scripture that specifically says this? Scriptures that use the words "believe" or "faith" are not sufficient as is obvious by the disagreements we have over the meanings.
I would like to see a scripture that says what you said above using a word like "choose" that clearly means that a person independently chooses to have the mind of Christ, to believe, to have faith, etc.
In Christ,
Bob [/QB][/QUOTE]