Well-Known Member
He did not have a sinful nature so nothing "in him" desired evil just as nothing "in Adam" desired evil.Originally posted by icthus:
Your basic understanding is faulty. You simply cannot compare Jesus with Adam. Adam was only human, whereas Jesus Christ is both 100% God and 100% Man. When Satan would have tempted Jesus, he would have done so to the Person Jesus Christ, and not just His "human nature". The Person Jesus Christ, is God-Man. Scripture tells us that "God cannot be tempted with evil" (James 1:13). As I have already shown, that "temptation" to comit sin, is so done, that the person who is tempted, is hoped will give in. Jesus felt the "force" to do wrong by Satan, when the deceiver made tried to get Jesus to go against what the Godhead already had agreed, will take place. But, there is no evidence to suggest that Jesus was ever troubled by what Satan tempted Him with, as we would have been.
And as you say Satan did not simply tempt His human nature -- he tempted Christ to USE His God nature saying "TURN this stone into bread since you are hungry AND you are claiming to be God".
That kind of thing would not even BE a temptation for us because we CAN not be tempted to do -- what we CAN not do.
But for Jesus to rely upon His GOD NATURE while on earth - EVEN to satisfy extreme hunger after 40 days of fasting -- was not in God the Father's perfect will and so EVEN though Jesus WAS really hungry - He CHOOSES not to use His own power as God to turn non-living matter into living "food".
So you are right again - He was tempted on levels entirely above and beyond where we even CAN be tempted (at least on that point).
In Christ,