Did the Son of God Die?
This is an oft debated issue and it far to often causes the Christian to move away defeated and there is no good reason for this to ever happen. First of all we need to understand some things that are being left unexamined by the soft soap preachers of today. It is important to understand that God is a spirit being and except for the spirit contained in each and every human-being on this Earth there is no similarity between the bodies of man and God, the Father.
In the first chapter of the first book of the Bible, the Triune state of God is hinted at twice when it is said “let us create” and “in our image..” Now remember this as I latter discuss the death of the man, Jesus. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are spirit beings as are Satan and all Angels. The Bible is consistent in it's teaching that man is eternal, even though we have died from the beginning. So, if we are created in the image of God, what is that image?
If the image of the God Head is not found in our body, where is it then. If the bodies of men waist away and if we are created in the image of spirit beings we must have a spirit component to our make up. But back to the death of Jesus. Mary was over-come by the Holy Spirit of God. (Luke 1:35) Mary did not have physical relations with God and there is no way the scripture can be twisted this way and we, the followers of Christ, must learn to put our foot down when the Atheist begins this perverted twist of the scriptures.
We serve the one and only Omnipotent and Omniscient God and since He is without limit there is nothing He cannot do! So, yes, Father God has the power to create a body to have relations with a woman but it is yet impossible for Him to do so because it would involve God committing sin and God's very nature makes Him sinning impossible. So it is left to a miracle as being the only possibility and that is exactly where God does so well. He is the maker of miracles!
But the question is, “Did the Son of God die?” The answer is no! We must agree that the body, Jesus, died on the cross, as recorded by several sources, but the Son of God went to Paradise and release the saints of the Old Testament, He was and is still alive! (Matthew 27:52, 53) This all took place while the body of Jesus, the sacrificial payment for our sin debts, lay in the tomb.
The good and the bad news of this is that, having the image of God as part of our make up, we also will never die in the sense that we think of it today. We will either live in Glory or in the Lake of Fire forever, however long that may be.
This is an oft debated issue and it far to often causes the Christian to move away defeated and there is no good reason for this to ever happen. First of all we need to understand some things that are being left unexamined by the soft soap preachers of today. It is important to understand that God is a spirit being and except for the spirit contained in each and every human-being on this Earth there is no similarity between the bodies of man and God, the Father.
In the first chapter of the first book of the Bible, the Triune state of God is hinted at twice when it is said “let us create” and “in our image..” Now remember this as I latter discuss the death of the man, Jesus. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are spirit beings as are Satan and all Angels. The Bible is consistent in it's teaching that man is eternal, even though we have died from the beginning. So, if we are created in the image of God, what is that image?
If the image of the God Head is not found in our body, where is it then. If the bodies of men waist away and if we are created in the image of spirit beings we must have a spirit component to our make up. But back to the death of Jesus. Mary was over-come by the Holy Spirit of God. (Luke 1:35) Mary did not have physical relations with God and there is no way the scripture can be twisted this way and we, the followers of Christ, must learn to put our foot down when the Atheist begins this perverted twist of the scriptures.
We serve the one and only Omnipotent and Omniscient God and since He is without limit there is nothing He cannot do! So, yes, Father God has the power to create a body to have relations with a woman but it is yet impossible for Him to do so because it would involve God committing sin and God's very nature makes Him sinning impossible. So it is left to a miracle as being the only possibility and that is exactly where God does so well. He is the maker of miracles!
But the question is, “Did the Son of God die?” The answer is no! We must agree that the body, Jesus, died on the cross, as recorded by several sources, but the Son of God went to Paradise and release the saints of the Old Testament, He was and is still alive! (Matthew 27:52, 53) This all took place while the body of Jesus, the sacrificial payment for our sin debts, lay in the tomb.
The good and the bad news of this is that, having the image of God as part of our make up, we also will never die in the sense that we think of it today. We will either live in Glory or in the Lake of Fire forever, however long that may be.