The day the web site was revised, I posted a thread on the old layout that apparently was lost.
This tread is meant to discuss the OPINIONS about how one might lay out a time line of Scriptures.
I am using the word dispensation, HOWEVER, I am using it in the sense of eras, periods of time, divisions of evens, and God's stewardship of dealing with humankind in each dispensation - for it is clearly evident that humankind at one time spoke the same language. This is typically the way most modern "dispensationist" folks take the word to mean. On a side, I dare say that most have never heard or read anything from a person named Darby. Discussions about that man or what that man held as valid are really not part of this thread. However, I am sure that at some will decide differently.
As one who is Pre-mil (yet holds to a literal 1000 year millennium rather than the historic view of a millennium of undetermined length), I am also one who uses the term dispensation.
For those of you who expect me to defend some scheme that God saves differently depending on the dispensation, you will be disappointed. Because I hold that, in the manner of how God saves in different parts of the Scriptures, salvation has remained the same from the foundations (faith in the promise, that is, the promise of a redeemer, and the promise of there having been a redeemer).
Nor is dispensation, in this thread, used in the sense of some great "parenthesis" of a church age in which God sets aside Israel and establishes a separate group of gentile believers. Imo, such thinking is not aligned with Romans 11, where the writer discusses that the gentile believer is grafted into the believing Jews, not the other way around. Gentiles are part of the believing Israel. They did not replace believing Israel, rather "grafted into" believing Israel. Again, imo, there is more than one "scheme" that either replaces Israel with the church, or puts this time of the church as a separate gentile grouping. Both are wrong according to Romans 11.
Here is the basic dispensations that I use for laying out a timeline of the Scriptures:
This tread is meant to discuss the OPINIONS about how one might lay out a time line of Scriptures.
I am using the word dispensation, HOWEVER, I am using it in the sense of eras, periods of time, divisions of evens, and God's stewardship of dealing with humankind in each dispensation - for it is clearly evident that humankind at one time spoke the same language. This is typically the way most modern "dispensationist" folks take the word to mean. On a side, I dare say that most have never heard or read anything from a person named Darby. Discussions about that man or what that man held as valid are really not part of this thread. However, I am sure that at some will decide differently.
As one who is Pre-mil (yet holds to a literal 1000 year millennium rather than the historic view of a millennium of undetermined length), I am also one who uses the term dispensation.
For those of you who expect me to defend some scheme that God saves differently depending on the dispensation, you will be disappointed. Because I hold that, in the manner of how God saves in different parts of the Scriptures, salvation has remained the same from the foundations (faith in the promise, that is, the promise of a redeemer, and the promise of there having been a redeemer).
Nor is dispensation, in this thread, used in the sense of some great "parenthesis" of a church age in which God sets aside Israel and establishes a separate group of gentile believers. Imo, such thinking is not aligned with Romans 11, where the writer discusses that the gentile believer is grafted into the believing Jews, not the other way around. Gentiles are part of the believing Israel. They did not replace believing Israel, rather "grafted into" believing Israel. Again, imo, there is more than one "scheme" that either replaces Israel with the church, or puts this time of the church as a separate gentile grouping. Both are wrong according to Romans 11.
Here is the basic dispensations that I use for laying out a timeline of the Scriptures:
- Pre-fall
- Pre-flood
- Pre-Abraham
- Pre-Mosses
- Pre-major and minor prophets
- Pre-John the Baptist (including the 400 years of no prophets between OT and NT)
- Pre-Pentecost
- Pre-Armegedon coming (note: the rapture is held by some as a proven doctrine. I am pre-trib hopeful, but am comfortable with mid -trib rapture, too - there is no other way to interpret the Scriptures dealing with the secret taking of believers out of this world than by a pre-second coming rapture)
- Pre-Millennial (second coming return of Christ in Physical form when every living eye on earth will see him)
- Pre-final uprising
- Pre-New Heaven and Earth
- Final abode of the believers - a new heaven and earth in which no evil has been present, a place prepared for the believers, where there is no temple and no sunlight.