I don't struggle Icon. I know whom I have believed. I know the truth. Those that treat the Bible in such an allegorical way that they don't know what it says any more should be ashamed.DHK
Based on your post here you are still struggling mightily do understand these things.
We all believe salvation is of the Lord. Some just like the throw around false accusations.As all men sinned and Died in Adam....and salvation is of the Lord...what everyone else understands is that any and every time someone gets saved, God has granted the gifts of saving repentance and faith to that elect sinner and translates them from darkness to light.
As to faith being given as a gift of God to the unregenerate you have never demonstrated to this day that this a Biblical truth--not one verse.
"the unseen world;" "spiritual surgery;" That is not biblical truth. Witch-doctors use the same terminology. It is popular in Wiccan circles. You don't have the truth. You can't explain biblical regeneration and don't.It is the work of God the Holy Spirit in the unseen realm working in the sinner, performing a Divine spiritual surgery DHK. Sorry you do not like the truth as it has been revealed in scripture but that is between you and God as He wrote it.
This is Calvinism right in this post:Can you show anywhere that I quoted from Calvin?
"God has granted the gifts of saving repentance and faith to that elect sinner and translates them from darkness to light."
--A statement you have never demonstrated to be true--where does it say God gives faith to the unregenerate? Do we have a mob of unregenerated people that have been give faith by God and yet have not been saved wandering around?? Ridiculous.
This does not demonstrate that faith is given to the unregenerate. It is an OT story that has no bearing on the subject. Why are you trying to deflect the subject. You have no answer. You haven't offered scripture that has an answer to the question. You have no answer.I have offered you scripture as has O.R.....you cannot welcome it however and state that it has "no meaning" unless we give it meaning???? This is indeed strange fire you offer;
10 And Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, took either of them his censer, and put fire therein, and put incense thereon, and offered strange fire before the Lord, which he commanded them not.
You don't have the truth. You can't answer a simple question. Where does the Bible show that God gives an unregenerated man faith?lately you show more and more along with two or three other posters that you are not interested in truth.
If it is a heresy, then you are calling Paul a heretic, for he is the one who called the brethren at Corinth, carnal, and he did it on more than one occasion. I would rather believe Paul than you.You hold what is known as the carnal Christian heresy.
I was offered man's philosophy not the Word. I don't need to listen to your error. I showed you straight from the Word where you are wrong. I expounded the scripture for you. But you don't want the Word; you like your philosophy instead. You hang on to Calvinism instead of the exposition of the Word of God.You were offered direct proof which you rejected and would not listen to so your error remains.
It was you who said you would not listen to the sermons and teaching offered, so I have no sympathy for your posting of error.
You didn't and can't refute it. You won't even try. You simply state that it is wrong. Truly sad.Your attempt to explain this error fails on several levels...but as you do not want truth at all I will leave you in your error until such time you want to learn.
I have never said that salvation is not all of God, for salvation is all of God.No...you are in damage control mode.
I have shown what you have said and when you yourself see it in print, you are shocked at how bad it is.
Everyone has commented that you have totally missed it so now you are attempting to reword it, even borrowing language from the cal teaching in an effort to make it seem like you believe enough truth to make it equivalent to what others have said.....IT DOES NOT.....IT FAILS.
Now you are the one that is making false accusations. However it is a gift to be received by faith. That is where you fail. Salvation is by grace through faith as the Bible teaches. If faith is not exercised there is no salvation.
And you are lying, or at the very least misrepresenting our beliefs.The teaching that salvation is of "grace" is a mandatory teaching. Non cals do not believe it is ALL of grace. The limit which part of salvation is of grace.
You do it in this very post.
Psa 110:3 Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning: thou hast the dew of thy youth.Strawman.....Cals do not teach "forced grace" Psalm 110:3
--And what has this to do with anythng?
You believe that because man is elect before the foundation of the world, he will be regenerated. He does not need to hear the Word. God will regenerate him so that he will have the faith to hear and believe the Word in order to be saved. That is fallacious. And that is not what grace is all about. That is not what salvation is all about. You are confused. What I just described is your belief of a "forced regeneration" where man has no choice but to be regenerated because of "his election."
Let me quote the verse so you can see it for yourself:Like I explained to you a few weeks ago....you keep returning to your error, because you cannot accept your narrow fundy views do not cover the whole topic.....so you try and drag the discussion back to what you think is true.
While I understand why you do this, the quicker you come to grips with the fact that you have strayed from the correct teaching and offer a shallow ,weak version that has as much error as it does truth ,the better off you will be.
Rom 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
--Now you call into question the veracity of Paul's teaching here and call it error. My stand is that "faith" comes from the Word of God, and you called that error. That is exactly what you just did.
--You believe that faith somehow comes from another source, before a person even hears the word; that regeneration gives a man faith. That is not true. You have yet to prove it. You are in error.
Do you know how silly you sound:Most Christians know and understand differently. When Ezk. 36 was written it was future .
"When Ezekiel 36 was written it was future."
Yeah, right! Ezekiel lived in the late 6th century B.C. almost 600 years before Christ. They were justified by faith--by faith in God, and in the truth of God that had been revealed to them at that time.
Ezekiel 36 was written to Israel. It is still written to Israel. It speaks of Israel's restoration in its own land, the land of her fathers, which is still in future. Even a Calvinist like MacArthur will tell you the same. You are way off base.
God judged the Jews. They are blinded for a season, until the fulness of the Gentiles is come. But there will come a time when they will recognize their Messiah for who He is and turn to him. This is not a surprise to me, but a denial of yours.The fact that God's design included elect gentiles grafted in was a surprise to Jews and evidently to you also:
You are in denial. If we were in the Kingdom, Christ would be ruling and the world would not be in chaos. But instead Satan is the god of this world as Scripture says he is, and we are in a spiritual warfare. ISIS is running amock and even our government leaders realize that evil abounds. But you are blind to it.Nt. revelation like all revelation was progressively given. What was a one point a mystery is now revealed.
We are in the Kingdom now as it grows in the midst of it's enemies.
Progressive revelation or not, Ezekiel was not addressing you, he was addressing the nation of Israel and those promises are still addressed to her. You allegoric method of interpretation simply butchers the word of God.
That scripture doesn't prove anything. It gives you an opportunity to use derogatory language.Certainly they were. Comments like this are why I learned if I was going to learn truth, I would need to flee from dispensationalism.
Yes...you are playing the part of the fool and slow of heart to believe ALL the prophets have spoken
Concerning the disciples:
And yet they still did not comprehend. Even after the resurrection, Thomas doubted until he had actually seen the prints in his hand. The OT saints never saw Christ or his resurrection at all.
And that arrogant statement demonstrates you don't know what the gospel is.DHK......I can present the gospel from all 66 books because I am not bound by the shackles of dispensationalism.....
In fact if you are not teaching Calvinism you are preaching or teaching a defective message.
I am not the one that denies salvation; but when you equate it with TULIP, then you have.That is a fine section of scripture, but it is not as specific as what is being discussed here...it does not get you off the hook....Your denials are already in print.