That's not true you've already quoted Hodges and stated you've read and have The Bible Knowledge Commentary, which, by the way, was edited by Walvoord. 'Yet you've not read them'. That's not true.
Some of them I have not read. But you never understood what I wrote. I don't go to them to get the beliefs I already have. Look! I read many gospel sermons by preachers such as Moody and Spurgeon. That doesn't mean I don't understand the gospel. It means I enjoy reading messages written by them whether they are about the gospel or other topics.. So why are falsely accusing me. Sometimes I will quote another commentary because he has written on some topic more concisely than what I could have written on the same topic. It doesn't mean I got my teaching from him.
Your logic is this.
You believe in the trinity, and therefore you are a Roman Catholic because they believe in the trinity as well. That is the logic you are using. It is one of association. It is not logic but illogical. If I have the same beliefs or similar beliefs of another man don't accuse me of getting my beliefs from him then maybe I will stop thinking your are a Catholic because you believe in the Trinity.
Your system of beliefs are newer. They've come from Finneyism, Hodges, Sandeman, Walvoord, Ryrie.
My beliefs are from the Bible. They are not new at all. Your beliefs are from Catholicism.
Finney is one whom I have denounced as a heretic as have many others on this board.
I also have denounced Augustine as a heretic, but if you are a Calvinist then you are an Augustinian, aren't you. Two can play this game. I don't know who Sandeman is; I have no idea who you are referring to. Ryrie I very seldom refer to if ever. And Walvoord's commentary I have. He wrote one of the NT commentaries in the NT.
Then, as you do, daily, you slander and go ad hominem. Your false teachings on the disciple/believer dichotomy have been etched in your mind by fundies. That and you can't distinguish between literal and figurative language. There is nothing wrong with having things or comforts, it is when they have you. It is about renouncing them and having Christ as all in comparison and does not mean we literally have to sell off things. I pray someday you will see this.
Clean up your own back yard before charging others with ad hominems.
I am not the one with false teaching.
If you are charging Christ with allegory then why not make his death and resurrection allegory as well. Just pick and choose at random.
I never said that "having things" was wrong. It isn't. However, a disciple is one who is willing and even will give up those things for the sake of Christ. That hits hard and your insulted by those words of Jesus. There were many that left Jesus because of those words. They were not willing to be his disciples. Some of them were willing to believe on his name, but not follow him. I have already pointed this out to you in an exposition of Luke 9:57-62. Odd that post has not been refuted.
Three believers, would-be disciples come to Jesus. They count the cost, and though they believe in Christ they don't follow him. Why?
Let me guess. You live in America. (I knew that) Go to a Reformed Church. You believe "Jesus did it all." And therefore conclude; "I don't have to do anything." which is the logical conclusion of Calvinism. Everything has been pre-determined. Thus your anti-discipleship tirades.