Hi, Dust.
How do you interpret Hebrews 8:1? How about Isaiah 9:6?
Do you worship Jesus Christ?
Hebrews 8 speaks of Christ as our priest and the establishment of the new covenant or promise that resides in Christ, which is that Christ will return and redeem the righteous through faith in him and establish a Kingdom. The Baptists, based on their first statement of faith, recognized this coming kingdom on earth. Apparently, not any more.
It says: "For every high priest is appointed to offer gifts and sacrifices; thus it is necessary for this priest also to have something to offer. Now if he were on earth, he would not be a priest at all, since there are priests who offer gifts according to the law. They serve a copy and shadow of the heavenly things."
Christ is our one and only high priest who was 1. appointed and 2. dwells in Heaven to offer the TRUE heavenly things to the Father rather than the "copy or shadow." Heb 8:1 says that he sits by the right hand of the throne. We simply have to look at the makeup of any kingdom to see that the right hand was the place for the chief advisor or the son. The prince or advisor was not as great as the king, but still held power over the kingdom.
Hebrews is the best letter to completely destroy the Trinity. The priest gives intercession between God and man. Christ is the priest. The mediator mediates between God and man. Christ is the mediator. God loves Christ and will do all for him, so if we reside in Christ, he will do for us. It is the same thing that Catholics do with saints or Mary, not realizing that it is Christ who gives intercession to the Father and not dead people to Christ.
Isa 9:6 uses the word El. It simply means Mighty One or power. It is used often as a title for the Most High, but it is also the singular form of elohim or Mighty Ones, which are the angels (and later the saints) who are manifestations of God. It is perfectly acceptable to refer to Christ by this title since 1. he is the perfect manifestation of the glory of God, 2. he has full authority over the power of the Most High, and 3. he shall be the mightiest on earth, sitting upon the throne of David. It is also acceptable to call him father for the same reasons. Even Paul called himself a father of the church. He is also deemed Yahweh of hosts or armies. Since angels can bear the title of God, so can the Son, who is greater than the angels.
I refer you to Gen 32:28 which says that Jacob wrestled with elohim. Hos 12:4 then proves that Jacob wrestled with mal'ak or angel.
Gen 18 shows the three men who appeared before Abraham. Two went on to Sodom while Abraham detained the other. Gen 19:1 calls the two mal'ak or angels. The third that was detained is dubbed Yahweh, translated LORD. Knowing that "no man has seen God" from John, Abraham was speaking to an angel.
Exo 3:2 (confirmed by Acts) says that a mal'ak or angel appeared in the bush to Moses. It then proceeds to call the angel elohim and Yahweh. In Exo 3:14, the angel says "I am who shall be" (translated I AM THAT I AM). In Exo 4, it proceeds to call the angel speaking as Yahweh or LORD. Thus, the angel bore the name and title of the Most High given to Moses.
Why can angels bear the titles of the Most High? Because they are all of one spirit and are manifestations of him, as the saints will be. "Yahweh our Elohim is one Yahweh (Deut 6:4)." It is the same as we bear the title of Christ when we "put on Christ." It is the same as the wife bearing the name and title of her husband.
If angels can bear the title of God, so can Christ who was made greater than the angels.