:wavey: Zaac - "Do we care more about winning the Duck Dynasty cultural battle ... than we do about leading folks to Christ?"
I say, it is ALL about the right of believers to voice their opinion on issues of morality. Something that is fading faster than the color red on a piece of paper left out in the sun!
His employer with whom he has signed a contract with saying he wouldn't do certain things shut him down because it 'll affect their money.
This ain't got nothing to do with believers voicing their opinions on morality.
If he's in church, A&E probably wouldn't have said a thing. Believers are STILL voicing God's word on issues of morality and have not been affected by Phil being taken off a show intendede to entertain.
Zaac - "There are some key theological issues in which the Robertsons probably disagree with the evangelicals who watch the show. For example, they attend a church that believes in baptismal regeneration ..."
I say, this is merely doctrine. And doctrine will not get you through the narrow gate at the end of the narrow path!
Pure foolishness to say that telling someone that getting baptized saves them is JUST doctrine.
Zaac - "... the belief that baptism is essential to receive eternal life."
I say, When my girlfriend's pastor [an SBC preacher] heard I accepted Jesus the day before, he demanded that I be baptised that evening to make my seal my salvation." How is this too much different than what you are accusing the DD family and their church of believing???
If you don't understand it, then it behooves me to try and explain it to you.
Zaac - "Yet I've heard very few Christians discuss that issue, which is directly related to the gospel."
I say, You haven't been around long enough to say that this has not, in fact, been discussed. This is one more excuse you find to accuse the brothers and sisters of this forum of their heresy and lack of being on the same level as you claim to be!
I been around enough to say it hasn't been discussed whether you think so or not. My Brothers and Sisters just want another excuse for their support of the false teachers and remaining quiet on that front while jumping up and down and proclaiming their support for his stance against homosexuality.
And again, just like with Mitt Romney, the church once again shows itself willing to look the other way when it comes to certain sins while continuing to lambhast folks about the ir pet sins.
Zaac - "On the other hand, we are very concerned about the issue of homosexuality, an important issue that is more about morality than about eternal life. My point is this: I think we are often more concerned with winning a cultural battle and looking good than we are about sharing the gospel in a winsome and accurate way."
I say - I have provided you with an excellent message from an SBC preacher here in Southern California, and you have yet to comment upon its contents. When I shared this with you publicly on a thread and privately, I told you that this was how I believed, and I apologized for not being able to put it into words as well as Pastor Dane.
I don't care whay Pastor Dane says. I'mnot talking to Pastor Dane.
For the last time, give this 30-minute message a listen, and then tell me how you can say that Baptists are intolerant and judgmental?
I haven't said that Baptist are intolerant and judgmental. They better be intolerant and judgmental. They just need to do so righteously instead of, the majority of the time, doing so hypocritically.
Oh, Zaac, I'd love to hear your response to this message, and I'd love to hear your criticism of this Baptists stand on homosexuality! Please don't make me have to ask you another time! Your public is waiting to hear just what you think of a strong, Biblically sound view on homosexuality! So? Will you dare to listen to the entirety of Pastor Dane's message and give us an honest opinion as to how this is not in lone with what the Scripture teaches? :1_grouphug:
Again, I don't need to listen to what Pastor Dane says about homosexuality. I know what GOD says about homosexuality. Is he saying something GOD hasn't said?
That's part of the issue is that yall act like folks don't know what God says on this issue. Deal with it INSIDE the church and preach the Gospel of love to those in error outside the church so that they are pointed to Christ as opposed to being condemned by the church.
The church is full of folks who are greedy, fornicating, adultering and a lot of the other things that Phil mentioned. Once you've disciplined them, you can speak to the folks outside the church.
Zaac - "Once again we flock to an ISSUE and the church once again looks like it cares more about an issue than it does about this man and his family preaching a true Gospel."
I say, you look for EVERY possible excuse to ACCUSE the brethren of this board of being less tolerable than you!
I don't have to look for that which the brethren in their constant point the finger at everybody but themselves make clear. We're very tolerable of our own sin but fed up about everybody else's.
It is really about time that you stand in front of a mirror and stop seeing the narcicisstic image you've been seeing for as long as you can remember, and begin to look around and see that other Baptists are not as bad as you like to make them out to be.
And it's about time that the Baptist on this board stop acting like nothing stinks except their pet sins.
I fact, I've prayed a lot about your critical attempt to EXPOSE members on the board for failing to live up to what you seem to think you are holding to as a standard, and I have to ask you one thing brother....ARE YOU REALLY A BAPTIST, OR SIMPLY A TROLL IN BABTIST CLOTHING???
The question to be asked by many reading this board is whether or not any of us are Christians cause you rarely if ever see anything of the love of Christ being expressed on here. Just a bunch of folks who want to point the finger at everybody who isn't a conservative , Republican Baptist.
So as God's word says, Examine yourself to see if you're in the faith. Cause yall say a lot of stuff and pat each other on the back. But little if any of it exudes the love of Christ.
So check YOURSELF and save your prayers because I don't need insincere prayers being sent up on my behalf so that you can frame yourself as a good little Christian.:wavey: