However if all you can do is say "believe or don't" to those new to the Bible who have questions that you just gloss over or ignore, then count on fewer new members of your congregation.
I don't think we should do this. We should give answers, as we have done here.
Gen. 6:4 - which some of you seem to have ignored - says
"when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them".
Nephilim, "fallen ones" like Shemhazi, an angel of high rank, could most certainly have children by humans.
Not sure how this applies. Perhaps I have missed part of the conversation. However, the "sons of God" in Gen 6 are most likely tyrannical rulers, not angels. There was a discussion on that a while back and I posted a fair amount of information and support. However, I am not sure the relevance of it here.
You seem to pick and choose scripture to support your opinions,
And you don't? I
and even dictate what God can or can't do
I certainly haven't done that. I think we have pointed out that there was only one person there when this happend, and he told us what happened.
One of you says God can't make a second a thousand years?
How could God make a second a thousand years? That is a logical absurdity. "Second" with respect to time has a meaning. A thousand years has a meaning (31536000000 seconds if my math is correct though I didn't figure for leap years). You are saying that God can make 1 equal 31536000000. That is a logical absurdity. God defined years by the passing of time, which is also how seconds are defined.
I think you need to give more serious thought to this, rather than attacking those who present arguments against it.
As for Cain and Nod - I see Abel, Cain and Seth. Cain went to Nod before Seth was born.
Could be, though OT history is not strictly chronological, just modern histories are often not chronological.
Did Cain or Abel marry their sisters and have children before Cain was driven out?
Strictly speaking, Yes. But it wasn't a problem then. It wasn't forbidden until the law.
Cain spoke of men killing him before Seth was born - what, his unnamed brothers by Adam?
Not necessarily. Living 900 years gives a lot of time for the population to increase.
Did Cain wait in Nod until Seth's children moved there perhaps?
Probably not, but we don't know.
It says Cain went to Nod and went into his wife - then Seth is mentioned. If Cain married a niece by Seth then mention of that would be after mention of Seth, not before.
Not necessarily. Again, OT history, like today's history is not strictly chronological. OT history is actually written to make a point about God. It isn't written to enable us to draw up a timeline.
You are making it up as you go along.
Actually, I think you are the one doing this.
I wish you well but believe you are in error and can't remain with you.
I admit to not reading everything closely, but I haven't seen anything here that shows a six-successive-24-hour day creation to be in error. Perhaps the confidence in your posts is not matched by the substance of them.