John, allow me to illustrate for a moment (I don’t want you to get the feeling that we are all ‘out to get you’ or are ‘attacking you’). Most of us here do not know each other. We interact through what we post, which can often lead to misunderstanding. It is expected that what we post will be challenged and that we are at least willing to defend our view. Sometimes people will challenge our views without really disagreeing in order to understand how it is supported through Scripture.
My illustration is this: I disagree with many on the BB. I have disagreed with Rippon and Icon over the Atonement. I have disagreed with Skandalon over his soteriological views. I’ve disagreed with RevMitchell on tithing. And these are just a few. Some of these have shown me where I have been wrong (Revmitchell, for example, corrected a misunderstanding I had on tithing….and although I still disagree with his conclusion, he did provided a much needed correction to my position). But even though I disagree with them, I respect their positions because I know that they have worked through their belief. Their belief is founded on Scripture, and they can defend their positions.
Borrowing the concept from C.S. Lewis, I cannot see that you are entitled to the belief that you hold. You have no right to it as it is not really yours. It was given to you by someone else and you’ve claimed it as your own. But you do not seem to be able to explain how it is derived from Scripture or defend it. Here, on the BB, you have a wonderful opportunity to work through and refine your position. Yet you refuse. By appearances this is immaturity on your part. My challenge to you is to take advantage of what is before you in terms of people who are willing to engage your views and explore Scripture with you. Take advantage of those who would disagree with you in order to strengthen your position. Show us that you are willing to engage Scripture.
Why not just start off clean right here and now? Look at Acts 17 and walk us through Paul convicting his audience under Torah. If you were mistaken then you are in good company here…just refine your view and continue the lifelong learning process. If you are right then you could correct our error and strengthen your position. There are no “attacks” and no losers here….except for the unwilling who present a belief they do not legitimately own.