If there is a CONDITION that man has the choice to meet, then the human will has just cooperated with the Holy Ghost in the work of regeneration. Period.
I just moved into our new house a couple of years ago. I paid a builder to build it. A condition for the builder to build my house was that I sign a contract to pay him. But he built it, I didn't. I simply met the condition HE required for HIM to do all the WORK. See the difference? Now, if I had worked on the house with him by doing the framing or bricking or whatever then I would have 'cooperated with him in the work of building the house.' I didn't, I merely asked him to do His work. Now, if you want to lump in asking some else to do work with you actually working, that is your business, but I doubt any objective person would equate those too.
I really didn't resist being defined as a "synergist" per say, I simply rejected that particular definition.Why? Why the resistance to being defined as a synergist?