Dear Righteous Dude,
1. The Baptism of the Holy Ghost referred to by Plain N Simple and the majority of Pentecostals is a secondary experience. By implication, if you haven't experienced it, you're kinda a second-class Christian (those who have it, those who haven't). But Christ makes us complete.
2. The Roman soldiers did not experience being slain in the Spirit. No such incident happened: "Then the detachment of soldiers with its commander and the Jewish officials arrested Jesus. They bound him..." (John 18:12). SEE BELOW ATTACHEMENT...IT WILL OPEN YOUR EYES!!!I assure you, you wouldn't want to be Slain in the Spirit the biblical way--remember Ananias and Saphira? I BELIEVE THAT WAS DIFFERENT THAN WHAT JOHN 12;6 SHOWS AS HAPPENING...
3. The Slain in the Spirit, Drunk in the Spirit, Holy Laughter phenomena belong to the same bunch of crazy, dangerous, and unbliblical Pentecostal practices. They are spirit-filled allright--but of a demonic spirit. I AGREE TO SOME EXTENT!
You may want to read the entire text, especially verses 4-6 as noted below. This is the part that I am speaking of, as it reads "Whom are you seeking?” They answered Him, “Jesus of Nazareth.” Jesus said to them, “I am He.” And Judas, who betrayed Him, also stood with them. Now when He said to them, “I am He,” they drew back and fell to the ground." :wavey:
Thanks for your kind and polite words of rebuttal. I have enjoyed your views.
Hello Righteous Dude :wavey:
You're right, I forgot about verses 4-6 :tonofbricks:.
Well I looked it up in one commentary (there I go again), Barnes Notes on the Bible, and this is what theologian Barnes has to say, "They went backward ... - The cause of their retiring in this manner is not mentioned. Various things might have produced it. The frank, open, and fearless manner in which Jesus addressed them may have convinced them of his innocence, and deterred them from prosecuting their wicked attempt. His disclosure of himself was sudden and unexpected; and while they perhaps anticipated that he would make an effort to escape, they were amazed at his open and bold profession. Their consciences reproved them for their crimes, and probably the firm, decided, and yet mild manner in which Jesus addressed them, the expression of his unequalled power in knowing how to find the way to the consciences of men, made them feel that they were in the presence of more than mortal man. There is no proof that there was here any miraculous power, any mere physical force, and to suppose that there was greatly detracts from the moral sublimity of the scene."
I also looked at Clarke's Commentary on the Bible (there I go again and again) and this is what Clarke says, "They went backward, and fell to the ground - None of the other evangelists mentions this very important circumstance. Our Lord chose to give them this proof of his infinite power, that they might know that their power could not prevail against him if he chose to exert his might, seeing that the very breath of his mouth confounded, drove back, and struck them down to the earth. Thus by the blast of God they might have perished, and by the breath of his nostrils they might have been consumed: Job 4:9."
I would say that if they were slain in the Spirit by today's standards, they wouldn't have been able to recover quickly and arrest him, because they would have been paralyzed and in ecstasy for a quite a long time (just like in a Benny Hinn event).
Thank you for your kind and gracious words