Even stranger, if you had read the link I attached, you would have found that Scripture.
And to answer your rebuttal ... you are playing on the jungle gym bars of Scripture and semantics ... like I said, you are picking and chosing and stretching the scritpure to your way of seeing things. This is your God given right, but I would like to say that, if you don't want to claim the security of knowing you have sonship, via inheritance by way of the legal act of adoption through the blood of Jesus,that is entirely up to you! As for me and my house, I stand on the verses I provided, proving without doubt that we are children of God by way of legal adoption.
You and I are Gentiles...we are not even of the blood lines of His chosen. It took a thoroughly legal act to buy back our lifes and make us His children! That can only be seen as adoption! And it isn't something that will one day be, but something that is the moment we accept, excuse me, receive Jesus into our life. We are saved from sin, and adopted by the blood of Jesus back in the family of God!
One of us is certainly stretching scripture to our way of seeing things, because we do not see the same thing.
We were not adopted, because Paul used the term to refer to our being raised in glorified bodies or changed in the twinkling of an eye. Romans 8:23 proves this. If you deny it, then do not charge me with stretching scripture.
Lets take your view, your racist view, and consider the stumbling block of Christ. Are we under the Old Covenant or the New Covenant in His blood? Under the New Covenant!
Did we receive the Spirit through works of the Law or by hearing with faith? Therefore it is those who are of faith that are the sons of Abraham. What was the Promise, all the nations of the world will be blessed in you? No one is justified by the Law, but the righteous shall live by faith.
Jesus was crucified in order that in Christ Jesus the Blessings of Abraham might come to the Gentiles including RD and Van, so that we would receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.
But the Scripture has shut up everyone, including RD and Van, under sin, so that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be "given" to those who believe. We become children of the promise through the free gift, and not through a legal transaction.
For we are sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For all of us, including RD and Van, who were spiritually baptized into Christ have clothed ourselves with Christ Jesus.
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female, for we are one in Christ Jesus. If we belong to Christ, we are heirs according to the promise.
Bottom line, with no stretching of scripture, Paul goes out of his way to debunk your legalism to become a child of the promise, rather than adoption, we received the free gift through faith, God baptized us into Christ, made us alive, and raised us up in Christ a new creation, born anew from above, not adopted, but born anew!!! Adoption- the redemption of our bodies - occurs when Christ comes again.