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Every doctrine of man, written to support their views on talking points regarding Scripture is nothing more or nothing less than man, and woman, rewriting Scripture to convolute the truth of God/s word.
I personally have chosen to attend the salad bar of religion, picking out what I feel is best for my style of living for God! I think we are ALL guilty of the salad bar theology, in that we need certain things to make the direction we are headed in to make sense to us personally, and that is why there is the division among believers. We watch others visit certain parts of the theology salad bar that we don't personally like, and we ask them, how could you even consider choosing that when over here is the best-tasting stuff around?
Thus, I say "ACCEPT" while other say "RECIEVE" Christ, but in the end it all comes out in the wash as the person, including yourself, can rest on the fact that Jesus has saved you!
Personally, I love Calvin, Wesley, and many of the Pentecost of old! I like to think that in a strange way, I am a mixed breed; a mutt; however, I have no doubt in my heart that when it's all said and done, I will be given the k to my eternal condominium, and that is what we live this life for. To get through the narrow gate and to our just rewards!
If you folks think, God is going to give preferential treatment to one group or another, I think you have been drinking the kool aid of religion too long! :smilewinkgrin:
Calvinism simply rewrites scripture after scripture to reverse what it says.
Every doctrine of man, written to support their views on talking points regarding Scripture is nothing more or nothing less than man, and woman, rewriting Scripture to convolute the truth of God/s word.
I personally have chosen to attend the salad bar of religion, picking out what I feel is best for my style of living for God! I think we are ALL guilty of the salad bar theology, in that we need certain things to make the direction we are headed in to make sense to us personally, and that is why there is the division among believers. We watch others visit certain parts of the theology salad bar that we don't personally like, and we ask them, how could you even consider choosing that when over here is the best-tasting stuff around?
Thus, I say "ACCEPT" while other say "RECIEVE" Christ, but in the end it all comes out in the wash as the person, including yourself, can rest on the fact that Jesus has saved you!
Personally, I love Calvin, Wesley, and many of the Pentecost of old! I like to think that in a strange way, I am a mixed breed; a mutt; however, I have no doubt in my heart that when it's all said and done, I will be given the k to my eternal condominium, and that is what we live this life for. To get through the narrow gate and to our just rewards!
If you folks think, God is going to give preferential treatment to one group or another, I think you have been drinking the kool aid of religion too long! :smilewinkgrin: