No, I do not think it means one hates the poor. As Christians, we are commanded to help the poor. Families and churches should be helping the poor, not government. The question becomes, as Christians, are we really committed to helping the poor, as it is a voluntary act done out of love. If all government programs ended, would we take up the slack?
It becomes a matter of what help does someone really need. How much of the tax money we shell out today really goes for those in need, and how much is paid because of laziness? Many, many people are on government subsidized programs that are in the 20s and 30s that are perfectly healthy.
Do we really use the money wisely? It is like the old saying about paying for someone to eat a fish everyday, when we could teach them to fish for themselves. In our local church, I remember a time we would hand over money to someone who came by to ask for a helping hand. Several years ago, we stopped that, and give people what they need after we purchase it, such as food, gas, a utility bill, or clothing for obvious reasons.