It precedes it salvation or one does not understand the need for change.
That is what the word of God and the power of the Spirit is for.
To "convict", and bring the believer to Him.
The Holy Spirit works to convict us of sin and shows Jesus as our only Savior
As you can see, I agree.
But, as has been the pattern between us for the past year or so since I've joined this forum, you seem to believe that a person is saved
when they believe, while I believe that a person is saved
before the foundation of the world ( Ephesians 1:4-5 ), and they are then notified of that precious gift by the Lord....who uses His word ( His Gospel ) and His Spirit to change their hearts.
That is all for another thread.
However, in the spirit of the OP, I do not believe that everyone who hears the word of God believes it from the heart ( not just the mind ).
Neither do I believe that everyone who believes that they are a sinner,
is actually saved.
For example, I know of individuals who
freely admit that they are sinners...and they enjoy it.
I also know of people who are willing to do anything to get out of Hell.
So they join "churches" and "do what Christians do" for promises from the pulpit that include a better life, answered prayers, and an escape from Hell after this life.
I know of many people in my daily life, who refuse to believe all of God's words, even though they profess Christ as Saviour, sometimes adamantly.
Yet, there's been no obvious change in their lives and no genuine love for God.
They live like the world, don't see anything wrong with "certain sins", and have no trouble wallowing in sin and the ways of the world.
Were they "enlightened" ( by the power of God )?
If they were, they would have stayed the course and not fallen back into the world and its ways.
They would have continued in His word ( John 8:31 ), growing in both knowledge and grace ( 2 Peter 3:18 ).
They would carefully weigh His words, and "hear" them, even if they don't immediately understand them.
Therefore, to me, "lights" ( or "lighteth" ) in John 1:9 does not mean "saved".
If it did, then
everyone would be saved... because Jesus "lights"
every man who comes into the world.