Regeneration/born of God/quickened are expressions of God's power in changing humans. Repent/believe/conversion are expressions of humans being changed due to God's power.[]QUOTE]
I have no real argument there. I do not believe faith comes from within a man. I believe faith is passive, and happens to us
Quickening is God changing man by bringing man into spiritual union with God's very nature or metaphorical lightlife (Jn. 17:3; Jn. 1:4) which disperses darkness(2 Cor. 4:6 with Ephesians 4:18). That union is a revelatory creative act of God (2 Cor. 4:6) within the heart. The gospel brought TO the elect is taken by God and made His creative revelatory word of command WITHIN THE HEART which dispells metaphorical darkness (1 Thes. 1:4-5).
Seems rather subjective. Scripture tends to use more objective verbiage, such as washing, cleansing, healing, etc
Hence, it is not a matter of CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER because gospel conversion is turning TO God whereas quickening is being turned BY God and are necessarily simletaneous in action just as your hand turning the knob is simeltaneous with the knob being turned. Logically the force precedes the action but chronologically they are simeltaneous in action.
Then why all the arguing about how God has to FIRST quicken someone BEFORE they can believe?
That spells chronology
I believe that the very instant that God enlightens someone's mind to the gospel, that person believes the gospel. And that very instant he is justified. And that very instant he is regenerated. And that very instant he is indwelled.
But there is no way that I would agree that there isn't chronology. Will a man be indwelt before he's justified?
Arguing "no chronology" seems more like a convenient way to dodge the issue
Thus regeneration is not completed until one is justified by faith as regeneration turns and thus justification by faith is the manifest expression of being turned.
That might be the crux of the matter. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems that you would believe that regeneration encompasses the entirety of the conversion process. Yet, it seems to me that you've argued elsewhere that regeneration is the same as quickening, and that quickening comes first.
I, however, believe that regeneration is the final piece of the conversion process.
That's the issue of "what is" regeneration. if that doesn't get nailed down first, then all the other arguing is nothing but banging and clanging