Regeneration/born of God/quickened are expressions of God's power in changing humans. Repent/believe/conversion are expressions of humans being changed due to God's power.
I don't agree with such a simplistic understanding. Changing what about a human? Subjectively changing his disposition, or objectively changing his metaphysical makeup?
Repent/believe are expressions of a man's THINKING being changed.
When someone believes the gospel, his mind has been changed - not by himself, or by deciding to believe differently, but by the enlightening power of the Holy Spirit using God's word
faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God
gospel is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes [it]
Quickening is God changing man by bringing man into spiritual union with God's very nature or metaphorical lightlife (Jn. 17:3; Jn. 1:4) which disperses darkness(2 Cor. 4:6 with Ephesians 4:18). That union is a revelatory creative act of God (2 Cor. 4:6) within the heart. The gospel brought TO the elect is taken by God and made His creative revelatory word of command WITHIN THE HEART which dispells metaphorical darkness (1 Thes. 1:4-5).
I don't agree with such a mystical definition. I do agree that quickening is synonymous with regeneration, but it is objective. When Jeremiah and Ezekiel speak of the New Covenant, using terms like washing, new heart, new spirit, etc it is not merely symbolic or poetic language.
Hebrews 9-10 contrast the Old and New
The blood of bulls and goats could never REMOVE sins
The obvious implication is that the blood of Jesus DOES remove sins.
If any man be in Christ, he is and new creation. The old has gone and the new is come. Yet it is postulated by most that the "creation" amounts to nothing more than a change in disposition. That hardly spells creation
Regeneration is used only twice in the NT - Titus 3:5 and Matt 19:28
The latter is speaking of the physical universe and is promised to be future. The essence of that regeneration will be to destroy the old and a new one created that it s not tainted by sin
The former is said to be now. He saved the washing of regeneration. This cannot be a simple "turning" of the man's will and desires. It is a destruction of the sinful spirit within a man, and a new creation of his spirit. One which is not tainted by sin - NOW
Hence, it is not a matter of CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER because gospel conversion is turning TO God whereas quickening is being turned BY God and are necessarily simletaneous in action just as your hand turning the knob is simeltaneous with the knob being turned. Logically the force precedes the action but chronologically they are simeltaneous in action.
I agree that in terms of eternity, and God's existence outside of time, everything is now. There is no eternity past, or eternity future. I would even say that, eternally speaking, sequential is not synonymous with chronological
But we do not leave this time/space realm at the time of our conversion in order that chronology is set aside for sequence. In or dimension, they are synonymous
In God's eternity, Jesus was born now, and I was born now. But from our standpoint, within time, He beat me to this earth by almost 2,000 years. Just like at the resurrection. Christ rose first. Then the dead in Christ will rise. Then we who are alive will be changed.
There is an obvious sequence and chronology. No matter how much or how little time elapses, if it happens within time, then sequence equates to chronological
Thus regeneration is not completed until one is justified by faith as regeneration turns and thus justification by faith is the manifest expression of being turned.
Regeneration is instant, not a process. And it does not happen until after one is justified by faith.
Regeneration is a removal of sin. And God doesn't use a washing machine with various soak/rinse/spin cycles