I don't agree with you because I am not a Calvinist.There is no intelligent person on earth who could read my posts and doubt my willingness to be forthcoming concerning my beliefs.
There is nothing hidden.
But nice deflection.
Any intelligent person can see that Skandelon has been VOCIFEROUSLY deflecting to avoid admitting that he believes that God purposed in eternity past every soul that would ever go to hell to go there.
I fail to see how you can interpret such Scriptures as:
God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. (I know we have dealt with this before).
--This is God's stated will. He states that his will is that none should perish. You might say that he stated that in eternity past. It was his will from creation before Adam sinned. It was never his will that Adam sinned. So did God get his way? No. It was not his will that sin enter the world.
Did he allow it? Yes, he allowed it. It was his will. But he allowed it to happen. It is still his will that all men should come to repentance, but mankind has an evil nature, and will, because of that depraved nature, reject God. But that is not God's will. That is the outworking of sin entering into this world, a result of the Fall combined with the free will that God in his sovereignty has given to man.
That will is also stated in 1 Tim.2:4
Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. (1 Timothy 2:4)
--God's will is that all men will be saved.
But that will, will not be accomplished due to the depravity of man's heart.
Does that mean God fails? By no means! It means that God allows sin to take its course. He knows the end from the beginning. He knew what would happen. But he still does not delight in the death of the wicked. He is not willing that any should perish.