Please refrain from personally demeaning comments. It is not necessary in a conversation with a fellow brother to call him a coward and a liar.
You lead the way by representing me honestly and by DIRECTLY addressing the subject matter at hand rather than deflecting.
I never said it was. I merely explained that the phraseology you chose can be taken to mean many different things, while my phraseology leaves no room for misunderstanding. Saying "God wills that people go to hell," is not a clear intent, while saying "God permits people to go to hell, but doesn't take pleasure in that," is very clear.
No. This intentionally skirts the issue at hand.
What you say here is not specific enough to even ADDRESS the subject matter in discussion.
Do you believe that God purposed in eternity past that men go to hell or not?
I know you do because you HAVE a theology and N

NE with any REAL theology can deny this.
You can skirt it by saying this "permit" mess which is so ambiguous that N

NE disagrees with it- not me, not Arminians, not Catholics, not Mormons, not Muslims, not ANYBODY.
This PERMIT statement is worthless and meaningless because it is so VAGUE that it does not answer ANYTHING.
Of COURSE God permits men to go to hell.
That is not the question.
The question which I am considering you to be cowardly for skirting and avoiding and purposefully refusing to specifically answer is this:
Do you believe that God purposed in eternity past that men go to hell or not?
Once again, your phrasing carries much ambiguity. I'd say, "God permitted for a vast number to perish in hell, but did not take pleasure in the perishing of the wicked." Those two phrases may mean the same thing to the author, but they are not both clear to the readers. I believe this is a common error you have made in our discussions.
Whether God is happy about it or not is not even an issue here.
I do not believe God is happy that men go to hell. I don't KNOW anyone who believes that!
This clarification is no clarification at all on your part. It is a smokescreen that you have thrown up for months now to keep from revealing what you REALLY believe to these who have no theology.
Do you believe that (whether happy about it or terribly sad about it) God purposed for men to go to hell in eternity past or not?
When God planned to build the universe did his plan and intention include that men go to hell or do men go to hell AGAINST the eternal purposes of God?
Let me be more specific:
Joe goes to hell. Did God purpose that in eternity past?
Is Joe's presence in hell a perfect fulfillment of God's eternal purposes?
Enter a skandelon deflection.
I doubt they disagree with me as much as you think they do. As explained above, I think your choice of words is less than clear than it could be leading to much confusion.
Then let's see. Answer clearly:
When God planned to build the universe did his plan and intention include that men go to hell or do men go to hell AGAINST the eternal purposes of God?
You know your REAL answer is YES. You know this is so because you KNOW that not ONE of God's eternal purposes can be thwarted.
You know this because you HAVE a REAL theology.
You know if you say YES that those who do NOT have a real theology will reject you on this issue as much as they reject Calvinists.
Yet, that doesn't mean you wouldn't have the cognitive ability to understand and correctly represent a view if it was presented. In the same manner, I am capable to hear and understand your view despite your endless and baseless charges to the contrary.
Then show it.
I KNOW you don't believe "God does EVIL," which is why I have included the statement "but God when God does 'IT' it is not called 'evil,' because he does it with a pure motive."
IT refers to DEEDS- not evil. In EVERY instance of our exchanges that has been the case.
A deed is not in and of itself EVIL because a DEED is not a PERSON. A deed has no PERSONALITY. EVIL as a moral force exists only in the motives of men.
Is stabbing a man to death EVIL?
NO. NEITHER is it good.
The only thing that can MAKE a deed evil or good is the heart of the one DOING the deed.
WHY is he stabbing the man to death? What is his MOTIVE?
That is the ONLY thing that determines whether something is good or evil.
You name a deed you consider evil and I will show you how it could be NON-evil if no evil intent is involved.
God KILLED JESUS. The Bible says so in no uncertain terms.
Herod and Pilate killed Jesus. The Bible says so clearly.
God did IT (the deed) with a RIGHTEOUS motive.
Herod and Pilate did it with a wicked motive.
The deed on Herod and Pilate's part was evil.
The deed on God's part was righteous.
Luke, 'IT' represents the subject at hand, which is and was 'EVIL.' (the word in the brackets). You say Satan does IT and God does IT. The qualifier is that IT is not evil when God does IT, but is when someone else does IT. We all understand IT, but now we are moving on to try and discover why you appeal to mystery regarding the origin of IT on the one hand, but on the other say IT isn't EVIL when God does IT.
No. See above.
IT refers to the DEED- not the EVIL.
Nothing can come from nothing? Really?
Yes. Really.
Dahmer's intent to eat, molest and kill is "NOTHING?" Really?
Satan's intent to "become like God," is "NOTHING?" Really?
Just exactly the same way that darkness is nothing.
Can nothing be a bad thing- philosophically yes.
Tell me- what is darkness?
Cold, I am told is nothing but the ABSENCE of heat.
Can cold be a bad thing? Certainly. But define cold. Cold is not SOMETHING. It is only the ABSENCE of that which is SOEMTHING- heat.
HEAT IS SOMETHING. It is energy.
Cold is not energy. It is not matter. It is not emotion. It is not thought. It is nothing.
In exactly the same way, Augustine declares, evil is NOTHING but the absence of good.
Can you point me to a scholar who teaches these things? I listened to the video and I never heard these things being taught.
The video was on compatabalism. That addressed another part of your argument and proved that I am not on the fringe of Calvinism as you once ignorantly declared when I say that God DID the DEED.
Are you not familiar with Augustine's theodicy?