Hell is not chastisement! Whew! When one is being chastised one is getting instruction and training and discipline. That is not the lot of those in Hell.
Really? Did the rich man not ultimately understand not only his own plight, but receive instruction as to the parameters and separation of his abode, and then receive further instruction as to what could be done for his brothers?
Perhaps, you think of hell differently than what I consider the Scriptures show. There is weeping not just over loss, but the longing that loved ones not come to that place, so there is instruction. There is training to bring the mind and heart to recognize God for who He is, and as the rich man had to proclaim,"Father Abraham." There is discipline, on going forever, never ending, and no let up.
You misunderstand. The Lord has His people from among all nations, tribes, languages and peoples. The term family of God has no national boundaries.
Your statement is basically holding to a view that God has no love for those "outside."
However, I see the believer as reflecting the character of God. So for example, God demonstrates His love, to ALL that some "might be saved" and Paul emulated that love "to all" that some might be saved. (Corinthians) Would it have been better had Paul only loved those in the Church? What use is a missionary that has no love for the people in which they go?
I strongly disagree. If you read some reformed Confessions I think you will find wisdom in explaining and applying God's Word. Start a thread on the London Confession of 1689 and tell us where and why you differ with it.
That wouldn't be worth the effort. For even on this thread where I have shown you by logic that certain thinking is in error, you don't see what I see. So, If I went into other areas, would it make any different.
God is holy -- pure. The primary thing about Him is that He wants to bring glory to Himself. There is no sin there at all. We, on the other hand, should not seek to glorify ourselves. It is sinful on our part if we seek our own glory. He is indeed self-centered and it's all good. I wouldn't have it any other way.
First, "The primary thing about Him is that He wants to bring glory to Himself" is wrong. God doesn't have to do any such work. The Scriptures teach that all creation resounds
with the Glory of God. He doesn't need to "bring glory to Himself,"
He already has it.
Because of this thinking you expressed, there is some idea that humans can bring glory to God. Not so, we may praise Him, we may glorify Him. But no part of creation can add to the glory of God. He has no desire or need for His creation to bring Him glory any more than He has desire or need for His creation to bring Him Holy.
He IS Glory. He IS Holy. He IS love.
Turn that around and see how silly your thinking is :Jacob I hated less and Esau I hated more. No, take Scripture at face-value as you claim to do. Jacob I loved and Esau I hated stands as scriptural truth.
I thought you were given wisdom as a student of the languages. Perhaps I was wrong.
That you chose to place "hate" as despised, is wrong because Esau was still of the loins of Isaac, the son of Abraham, the father of the nation of Israel. So it must be that Esau was not despised, but loved less. Did Isaac love Esau less than Jacob? Actually, by the account given, he preferred Esau, because he represented a "real man's man" - hair and all. So Isaac was tricked into giving the first born blessing to Jacob.
But, more to the point of the "hate" being taken as "loved less" look below at the account given by Joshua (24):
Then Joshua gathered all the tribes of Israel to Shechem, and called for the elders of Israel and for their heads and their judges and their officers; and they presented themselves before God. Joshua said to all the people, “Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel, ‘From ancient times your fathers lived beyond the River, namely, Terah, the father of Abraham and the father of Nahor, and they served other gods. ‘Then I took your father Abraham from beyond the River, and led him through all the land of Canaan, and multiplied his descendants and gave him Isaac. ‘To Isaac I gave Jacob and Esau, and to Esau I gave Mount Seir to possess it; but Jacob and his sons went down to Egypt.
Seems God didn't despise Esau, but again, loved him less, because he gave him a mountain and took Jacob to Egypt.
By the way, point out any translation that renders it your way. It would still be wrong but I'd be interested about it.
Nope, don't have to. It wouldn't make any difference because apparently, the language lessons were lacking.
I showed, above, from the OT that God did not "despise" Esau, but gave to him. If Esau was "outside" then according to what you have said, God wouldn't have communicated with Esau at all, nor had any dealings with Esau.
But He did.
So, the question remains unanswered.
Does God require of believers a characteristic that He does not demand of Himself?
Or, to put it another way, Does God demand of believers to Love their enemies and yet not require of Himself to love enemies?