Wonderful post and so many solid quotes. This issue is not easily grasped by those who are given to philosophy, rather than able to correctly welcome biblical truth without contradiction.Is grief proper to God?
John Owen: "The apostle tells us that God is 'blessed forever,' Ro. 9:5; "He is the blessed and only Potentate,' 1 Tim. 6:15; "God all-sufficient, "Gen. 17:1. That which s inconsistent with absolute blessedness and all-sufficiency is not to be ascribed to God; to do so casts him down from his excellency. But he can be blessed, is he all-sufficient, who is tossed up and down with hope, joy, fear, sorrow, repentance, anger, and the like?" When we remove the figurative human passion, to which perfection of God does this analogy point?
John Calvin : "Certainly God is not sorrowful or sad; but remains forever like himself in his celestial and happy repose: yet, because it could not otherwise be known hw great is God's hatred and detestation of sin, therefore the Spirit accommodates himself to our capacity."
Matthew Henry : "This language does not imply passion or uneasiness in God (nothing can create disturbance to the Eternal Mind), but it expresses his just and holy displeasure against sin and sinners, against sin as odious to holiness and against sinners as obnoxious to his justice."
Again, the above is taken from part of a handout from last week's adult Sunday School class.
They might have invented a god who is in the image and likeness of man, who has sinful passions, rather than the biblical God making man.
It is good to read solid biblical posts such as this, and MM , and Reformed.