Active Member
I feel a little respondsible for the arguments and ill feelings between members in the above post because I was the one who first mentioned the book by Dr. Schroeder.
Although I cannot say I agree with the things discussed in Dr. Schroeder's book, or even fully understand them, I certainly do not wish to misrepresent Dr. Schroeder or his thoughts.
There seems to be 2 things on the table in question, how time passed and was/is measured, and evolution.
I will attempt to explain how Dr. Schroeder handles both so his position is truthfully represented.
Since quantumfaith has also read the book I hope he will correct me if I do not describe Dr. Schroeder's position accurately.
As Havensdad touched on in #114 there is the Law of Relativity which states time is dependant upon gravity and velocity with time slowing as gravity or velocity increases.
This has been proven by measuring the difference in the light waves from the sun as compared to light waves generated here on earth.
It seems Dr. Schroeder's position is that time as we know it being based on the earth system began at the creation of man thus we see:
Genesis 5:1 (King James Version)
1This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him;
It also seems Dr. Schroeder's position is that time which measured the formation of the whole universe was based on a system of gravity and velocity other than that of the earth's, he calls it cosmic time and thus we see:
Genesis 2:4 (King James Version)
4These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,
Therefore through the measurement of time as we know it based on the earth system gives us 6,000yrs since the creation of man, while granting a different measurement of time for the period preceeding the creation of man.
Concerning evolution, IMO Dr. Schroeder's position would be one of supporting micro evolution while disagreeing with macro evolution.
As Havensdad pointed out in post #117 there are many problems with macro evolution and in the book Dr. Schroeder points to the same problems both through biology and statistical mathematics.
I think Dr. Schroeder would agree with Havensdad's post #117.
However Dr. Schroeder does show several examples of micro evolution and in all honesty I also see these examples in the world around us.
In my lifetime I have seen genetically sound breeds of cattle and wheat changed from one breed or variety to another.
I have never seen cattle changed into horses, or wheat changed into roses.
Dr. Schroeder gives the example of the evolution of man as changing from living to be hundreds of years old to only living less than a century as we see today.
This is the result of selection from the gene pool which is already in each individual and only brought to surface because of environmental surroundings.
I have tried to briefly explan the positions of Dr. Schroeder and hope quantumfaith will correct me where I have missed the mark.
The only things I "correct" are mathematics exams. ::smilewinkgrin: You are right on target as to the thoughts of Dr. Schroeder. And yes, in basic, he would agree with, for the most part Havesdad #117. And perhaps, my lack of clarity in the matter has fostered ill will as well. I do "venerate" Dr. Schroeder but I am impressed with both his scientific and theological insights and how the two do not contradict but rather converge. I enjoy learning the postions and arguments of others on such issues, but extreme dogmatism on any end of the spectrum does not demonstrate good apologetics nor good science. The debate will continue until we are called home, it should though, be an insightful and enlightening debate without acrimony between believers and the community of the unsaved. Again, I thank you for you warm and reasonable spirit in the matter.