But you cannot have time dilation relative to the exact same point. The Bible was written to communicate with man. The Bible states, using Hebrew parallelism (God is stating it emphatically) that the Earth was made in 6 normal days. This is being written, according to scripture, by a man.
The problem with your hermeneutic, is that it allows the entire Bible to mean whatever the individual wants it to mean. It loses its convicting, correcting and restorative force. It is the same hermeneutic that allowed the Docetists to claim that Christ did not really have human flesh. It is the same hermeneutic that allows men today to deny the literal, bodily resurrection of Christ; that allows both homosexuals, and adulterous heterosexuals, to excuse their behavior, and live in a state of perpetual sin, all te while with a false sense of security.
I disagree with you in the strongest possible sense. There are many who reasonably and disagree with your ultra-orrthodox literalism. Many have offeredl legitimate "alternatives" to "yom". And then you want to turn this into some type of diatribe attempting to assign all sorts of malicious "interpretive" intent on my part.
Words have meaning. And the minute you start redefining the words, you lose the meaning. God said six days. God, who did not lie, emphasized all of these "days" with the Hebrew idiom which means "24 hours." There is not any way, which God could have more exactly, and emphatically told us that these were normal days. So they were.
Of this, "words have meaning" you are correct. You "read" the words and interpret their meaning and implications as you see fit, and I will do the same for myself.
As far as the relativity end goes, I again restate: it is possible that the UNIVERSE is much older due to the two different relative locales in regards to each other. But the Bible was written by men, inspired by the Holy Spirit. So as far as the Earth, and it's inhabitants were concerned, it was 6 days, a relatively short period of time ago.