I have always believed the scriptures, however I also believe in "true" science. I have had a great interest in astronomy from my youth and to this day own a fairly nice telescope. At one time I could name every bright star in the sky, today only a few.
The greatest problem I ever had with the six day creation account was the fact that we can see starlight from stars many millions of light years away. Now, I have seen theories on this such as the argument for the "appearance of age". In other words, the day Adam and Eve were created they appeared as adults, probably at least 25 years old when they were only one day old. This actually must be true, but it is not the best argument to explain starlight, because it tends to argue that God is misleading, that is, he would provide evidence that actually seems to contradict his word.
There are other theories, such as, if the earth is the center of the universe, then the universe is much smaller than science believes ( I can't remember the exact figure, but something like 17,000 times smaller). But even this is not satisfactory, as the universe still appears much too large for light to arrive here within 6-7,000 years.
When the Christian physicist Barry Setterfield published findings in the 80's that the speed of light has slowed, it explained away a lot of these problems. Barry was not the first man to notice that light had slowed, many had and had documented this, but he was the first to do an in-depth study of it and publish his findings. Since that time several secular astronomers and physicts have confirmed his findings. Of course there is still much opposition to this theory, but every day more and more scientists are giving this theory serious consideration as evidence for it grows.
According to some physicists, the speed of light was millions, even billions of times faster in the recent past. This could explain how light arrived here almost instantaneously from the most distant regions of the universe. It also solves many other problems that the Big Bang and other theories could not explain.
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The reason I point this out, is because this explains science such as radiometric dating (which also slowed) which gives old ages for the universe.
Here is a portion of questions Barry answered on this you can find at his website.
The link between radiometric dating and lightspeed
Question: Is there a direct link between radiometric dating and the speed of light?
Setterfield: Yes, there is. 'c', the speed of light, is in the numerator of every reduced radio decay rate equation.
Question: Could you please explain to me in simple terms why the rate of atomic decay depends upon the speed of light?
Setterfield: The simplest way is to say that the equations describing atomic decay contain a number of atomic constants, including the speed of light. If energy is conserved in a varying light speed process, these constants are changing so there is effectively a light speed term in the numerator of each equation. Thus, the higher the light speed, the faster the decay rate, in the same proportion.
Question: Is there a direct link between c-dependent radioactive decay rates and geological processes?
Setterfield: Yes there is. Importantly, the original short half-life elements were also a contributor and they have gone now. This also made for rapid heating of the earth interior (cool to start with). Furthermore, there is evidence that the main radioactive elements were concentrated in a layer low in the mantle and came to the surface progressively after that.
Now, know what? Even if Barry is wrong and the speed of light hasn't decayed, I still believe the scriptures. I may never learn in this world how light arrived here from the furthest reaches of space, but maybe I will. But either way I believe God's word.