O.k., not sure what "class" you took, but you need to ask for your money back!!
Actually they grow hanging from the ceiling of caverns under ground and there counter parts grow from the same water drips up to meet them the ones I have seen weren't covered by sediments.
Then you have not seen very many. The problem with the "millions of years" theory, is that (usually) the rate assigned to the stalactites, is older than the sediment layers in the surrounding cavern. I (hope!)trust you see the inherent physics problem.
I liked your story of your water heater but what it formed what not a stalactite. Stalactites are made from the lime deposits the water dripped down through. Not to mention the water is cold not hot. The heat from the hot water heater will sometimes heat both the incomming line and out going line not to mention your water deposits are most likely gypson a deposit most common to the bottom of tea kettles.
You need to be quiet while you are behind. There is so much wrong with what you are saying...
#1 Stalactites are formed from Calcium Carbonate. This is the mineral which causes hard water stains, and is (usually) the source of the brownish yellow crust on the outside of pipes. These calcium carbonate deposits also build up in hot water heaters.
#2 The thing on my pipe, was a stalactite. It was a projection from an upper surface, made out of calcium carbonate. That is the definition of a stalactite.
The reason it takes so long for a stalactites to form is because each drop of water does not completely evaporate. it usually drops to the ground below and starts a stalagmite coming up from the floor.
Which helps to prove that they were formed in a very short period of time. The idea that there would be no change in water flow, alignment (between top and bottom), etc. for MILLLIONS of years, is patently absurd.
They grow to be as much a 30 to 40 feet in diameter weighing hundreds of thousands of tons. It must have been some pipe fitting your stalactite grew from. LOL.
LOL indeed. The MATH says they could be made in just a thousand years or so. I don't care about your ridiculous opinion, that a slow moving stream of water, went undisturbed and unmoved for millions of years.
When I was in school we verified that it takes a stalactite 100 years to grow one half inch in length.
To "prove" something scientifically, requires observation. Who in your class, sat there and watched water drip for 100 years? :tonofbricks:
I know, through scientific observation, that a foot long stalactite can form in less than five years. Yours is nothing but an unproven hypothesis.
While your comparing a hot water drip that evaporates entirely.
Actually, there was a small stalagmite as well, though not as large (looked like an upside down plate; not pointed). The water hit the ground.
The water drops that form stalactites hardly ever completely evaporates but continues on to the floor of the cavern and forms pools at the bottom.
Just an FYI: near boiling water, dripped from 20 feet, will NOT evaporate before it hits the ground. So everything your saying, is pooh.
The humidity inside a cavern is very high and usually stays around 60 degrees temp 24-7
Tell me, what was thee humidity at the time the stalactite started to form? Oh, yeah, you were not there.
Still this isn't the only evidence. Coal beds are another problem for the 6 day creation theory. Trees shed there leaves in the fall these leaves have made coal beds miles deep. They becaome coal after there own weight crushes them in to solid matter. Again it takes thousands of years longer than just a 6000 year history to form coal.
I do not even know where to start.
#1 Polystrata fossils. Regardless of the links given by people here, secular scientists have yet to provide a satisfying answer, for coalified trees going through supposedly MILLIONS of years of layers.
#2 NO, coal does not take millions of years to form. This is a long disproved idea. Coal, in the proper environment, can form in less than a hundred years.
So, pretty much everything you said is wrong; even according to the atheist scientists (who admit much of this).