This will probably be debated until the end of time, but there are two things I believe quite firmly:
We can trust the Genesis account. And God does not lie.
Based on those two thoughts, I find myself old earth creationist....leaning strongly to gap theory, but open to other forms of old earth creationism.
Nothing in the Bible supports that. Be honest with yourself: you believe this, because you trust what certain "scientists" say is proven.
So yes, I believe God literally created the earth in 6 days.
No you don't.
However, science shows me that what He could do in a nanoinstant then we may perceive as 24 hours today
See? I told you.
without in any way contradicting the Bible,
The Bible says normal days.
which does not use the term "24 hour day".
Yes, it does. The phrase "evening and morning" is the Hebrew expression meaning 24 hours. A Jewish day started in the evening, and ended in the morning. Besides, the seventh day, God rested: this is used as a basis for us resting on the seventh day. Are we supposed to rest for millions of years?
Nor does it say the days were successive the way we perceive the calendar. The concept of a 24 hour day comes from science, not the Bible.
Not so. "Evening and Morning" means a normal day.
Since I do not believe God lies, I see no reason He would create the world in one way but make it APPEAR to our observation (which is all real science is anyway) to have been created another way.
There is nothing in observable science that states the Earth is millions of years old. By your logic, though the Bible says God made trees (not planted seeds), God was lying because he made them adult trees. But He TOLD us how He did it: it is not His fault that you don't trust Him, and you trust secular Scientists instead (I doubt you have done empirical scientific tests
yourself to determine the age of the earth.)
So I believe it is important to trust and believe in God and the Bible, and that there is no need to fear real science of observation. When we understand both correctly there will be no place where we have to choose to believe the Bible or believe science.
Basing your interpretation of the Bible, on the OPINION of Atheists and pseudo atheists, is absurd in the highest degree. The Science supports a young earth.
It is not a battle between science and the Bible. You are a victim of PBS style brainwashing. It is a battle between the interpretation of scientific facts from a Christian perspective, vs. interpretation of scientific facts from a secular/atheist perspective.
I also believe quite strongly that this is an area where Satan is the author of confusion. We spend far too much time debating this, and declaring our brother or sister in Christ to be deluded, or a heretic, or some other unflattering term. That time could be put to much better use proclaiming Jesus Christ.
This is misguided. Christ is truth. You cannot say "I love Jesus" but then deny what God says, and expect everyone else t go along. The Bible, and science, support a normal, literal intepretation of Genesis. The Earth is young.
He is the Author and Finisher of my faith. He is the foundation stone, not 6 day creationism.
How do you know he is the author and finisher? Perhaps this was some euphemism meaning something else? Why take this literally, when you refuse to take the beginning literally?
Satan is indeed involved: by making Christians doubt Genesis, he places a wedge, to get them to doubt the rest of the book.