KJVonly originated in the Adventist cult. This is history that even the staunchest so-called Baptist can't deny.
It was considered a false doctrine until about 1970 when this Adventist teaching was propagated by "doctor" Ruckman and a handful of sycophants.
It is a DIRECT ATTACK on the biblical doctrine of inspiration, the first fundamental of the faith (1895). It elevates a man-made fallible translation into an object of worship with attributes of God Himself. That is blasphemy of the highest form.
It is ANTI-FUNDAMENTALISM and must be stamped out in our generation. Thankfully, it is quickly dying off as any man-made false teaching does.
John R. Rice, Editor of Sword of the Lord and DEFENDER OF FUNDAMENTAL repudiated this false teaching: "A perfect translation of the Bible is humanly impossible. The words in one language do not have exactly the same color and meaning as opposite words in another language, and human frailty and imperfection enter in. So, let us say, there are no perfect translations."
William Bell Riley, the famous Northern Baptist CHAMPION OF FUNDAMENTALISM in the 1900-1940 era wrote, "To claim, therefore, inerrancy for the King James Version, or even for the Revised Version, is to claim inerrancy for men who never professed it for themselves; is to clothe with the claim of verbal inspiration a company of men who would almost quit their graves to repudiate such equality with Prophet and Apostle."
Wow, you freely and quite IGNORANTLY ascribe the KJVO to a cultic origin, and then whine when I show that Calvinism was derived from a murderous slave trading, baby sprinkling heretic that based his theology off of another murderous baby sprinkling heretic, that got his ideas from Gnostics, Buddhists and Manicheans (yeah yeah, blah blah he argued with the Manicheans later, BUT HE NEVER CHUCKED THEIR VIEWS OF PREDESTINATION AND ELECTION).
Here's a quote from one of your own Calvinist buddies about the KJV,
"Philpotts in 1880:
“The AV we believe is the grand bulwark of Protestantism; the safeguard of the Gospel and the treasure of the church, and we should be TRAITORS, in EVERY SENSE OF THE WORD, if we consented to giving it up to be rifled by Puseyites, concealed Papists, German Neologians, Infidel divines, Arminians, Socinians, and the whole tribe of the ENEMIES OF GOD AND GODLINESS…To alter our Bible ?the KJV? would unsettle the minds of thousands as to which was the word of God…there would be TWO Bibles spread throughout the land and what CONFUSION this would create in almost every place."
Benjamin Franklin Dearmore in 1900’s:
“As for me, I will take the King James translation as the very Word of God for the English people. I believe it is without error. It is 100 percent correct...I do positively state that people who do not know a word of Greek can become real Bible scholars. Many times their understanding is far greater than the Greek scholars.”
"Sam Morris before 1946:
“Open the Bible [KJV] where you will, and the first impression is that of vastness…It is the writing of God, and is NOT the work of man BUT OF GOD HIMSELF…This is not verbal inspiration, it is letter INSPIRATION. It is carrying inspiration to the very finest point possible. For if every letter was inspired, then every word, syllable, verse, chapter and book had to be inspired and is, therefore, authoritative. That is exactly the claim Paul made for the Scriptures when he wrote, ‘All scripture is given by inspiration of God…it wasn’t Paul speaking anyway. It was the great God of MY MOTHER’S BIBLE [KJV]. He did not know it because He created men and so His Spirit took possession of Paul and ‘moved’ him to write this scientific truth…when we open the New Testament, the Word which was in the beginning with God becomes flesh and dwells among us, and we behold His Glory, the Glory as one of the only begotten of the Father, full of Grace and Truth.”
And if the KJVO controversy did not begin until 1970 THEN HOW COULD IT HAVE BEEN CONSIDERED A FALSE DOCTRINE BEFORE 1970???
[Personal attack snipped] I notice the one college you say the least about is your PhD at St. Alcuin College, a school that TRAINS JESUITS.
Ruckman with all of his flaws and faux paus is more of a Bible scholar and an
honest man than you will EVER be. The only thing blasphemous here is the filth you and others propagate against the preservation of God's word and a theology of a god that causes and even desires the murder and rape of woman and children, and if you weren't such a coward to defend your views as well as your accusations I'd debate you on it any day of the week.