Maybe one of the most CLEAR passage....
John 9-10.
In chapter 9 there is the account of Jesus giving sight to a blind man that was blind from birth. Just like all men are blind to God at birth. Now, this healing did not translate into the Jewish leaders believing. So...when in Chapter 20 it says..these signs were recorded that you may believe, it does not mean if you seen the sign, you would believe. The Jews saw it, and did not believe. Now why? The story tells us why.
In the account the blind man does not know that Jesus is near by. He cannot see. The account does not say he cried out to Jesus. It says, Jesus saw him and opened his eyes without the blind man asking him to open his eyes. After the eyes are open, Jesus asked,
35 ........... “Do you believe in the Son of Man?”
The Man says...who is the Son of Man?
37 Jesus said, “You have now seen him; in fact, he is the one speaking with you.”
Then the man said, “Lord, I believe,” and he worshiped him.
Eyes open (new birth)....THEN...I believe. Its pretty clear.
Now notice what Jesus says next...
39 Jesus said, “For judgment I have come into this world,
so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind.”
This is the point of the healing.
Jesus did not heal all the blind men but when he heals this one he is
making a point. Healing physically blind men is not the ministry of Christ, but this sign was given to us so that we can understand what happens at salvation. Even more, Jesus is trying to teach others WHY the Jewish leaders would not believe.
Verse 39 is
talking about salvation. The Jews said..., “What? Are we blind too?” They could see with physically eyes, but they still understood Jesus was talking a other blindness. In other words they were saying...."wait...are you saying we are blind???
The blind man is a picture of all believers when they are given SIGHT to understand. The Jews could not understand because they were BLIND. After the EYES are opened...then Jesus saves them.
In Chapter 10 which is the same sitting as chapter 9, Jesus gives us a story that shows why they don't believe again. The non-believe is NOT of the sheep. And...Jesus does not go after the goats, because they dont hear.
“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me— just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep.
His sheep knows him....and they come when they are called. Calls his sheep...they listen because they are His. He dies for them, and the point is out of love he dies for them, which means if he died for all, it would not be much love shown.
So...they cannot and will not follow him, unless they are his sheep. (after they are born again).
In other words...The gospel says come....but they do not come, for they are not his. One must be a sheep before they follow.