I have quickly read through this thread, and it seems to me that the posts are discussing two different matters:
1. Whether a sinner has to be baptized in order to become a Christian (That is the question implied by the thread title, "Does Salvation Require Baptism?")
Fal seemed to indicate that a rfusal to be believers Baptised equals no slavation though...
2. Whether a sinner, having been saved, should be baptized.
As baptists, do we not all hold to Believers' Baptism, in other words, that converted sinners should be baptized? How then can we then say that a person must be baptized in order to become a Christian believer?
In addition, I think there is a huge difference between paedobaptists having a different (as baptists, we would say, unbiblical) understanding of baptism, and someone who says, "I know the Word of God commands me to be baptized, but I refuse!"
We are addressing 2 main issues here...
Can baptists refuse to be watre baptised and still be true believers, saved by Christ?
I would say they SHOULD obey jesus and be such, but that if they chose not too, would not be unsaved!
Would God view water baptisms by any other mode as being valid, would be fulfilling command to do such by a believer?
Again, IF person is fully persuaded, and convinced by his scripture understanding, God would honor that, but IF wanted to be baptist, would need to be rebaptised!