You have acknowledged that you are not proficient in English. If only you were familiar with the meaning of words. I will help you Van.
According to Merriam-Webster, indignant means ":feeling or showing anger because of something unjust or unworthy: filled with or marked by indignation."
M-W uses, as an example :"Melville was so struck by the dram of the Essex (deliberately battered by an indignant and maddened whale, which at last brained itself by sinking the ship) that he used it as the end of Moby-Dick." --Paul Theroux, New York Times Book Review, 11 June 2000.
In a synonym discussion:"Anger :the most general term, names the reaction but by itself does not convey cause or intensity." On the other hand, "Indignation stresses righteous anger at what one considers unfair, mean, or shameful."
In a snippet regarding Mark 1:41, Doug Moo, the head of the NIV translation team has said :"As we saw what the man with leprosy had suffered, Jesus responded initially with 'anger' or 'indignation' at the terrible plight of people in the sin-ravaged world."