The reason I am opening this thread is to look what was given in another thread that "The reason we worship on Sunday is that we are celebrating the Resurrection each week." So as we have already gone over where the "resurrection of Easter" came from, lets go over that question which is was it from Christs resurrection that people make the change.
We find in history that early church continued to pray and rest on the seventh day, and observe the Sabbath. But apostasy began to creep in the church as we see in the drive to gain 'pagan' converts in Rome, and by the 2nd century AD you start to find it going out from Rome, and soon a number of Christians affected by the spreading apostasy were observing only Sunday and not the Sabbath.
Take a look...
Notice they don't know why but just throw out "because the Resurrection and the beginning of Creation had both occurred on the first day of the week" But at Creation it was the seventh day that was made sanctified and made holy and clearly Christ rested on the Sabbath and then came up on Sunday.
This was the first idea that was spread around to find a way to set aside or disregard the Sabbath, and set another day. So did Christ rise and tell the Disciples something that was not in scripture or was it written down and somehow got lost, God doesnt work that way. Now people began to say 'I keep Sunday in honor of the Resurrection' or that they were told that the Apostles began keeping Sunday as the day of worship after the resurrection for a variety of reasons, but did they. No, the early church clearly kept the Sabbath.
So is there any chance the resurrection somehow cause a change to the day of worship? Well, worship is the reason for the Sabbath and it is the only day God ever gave us to worship Him on. That which God gives us is the truth and we are to believe it and obey it, especially when its straight from His Word. It tells us, "Sanctify them through Thy truth: Thy Word is truth."
John 17:17 and we read, "Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit."
1 Peter 1:22.
It is not safe to refuse obedience to the obvious truths of God’s Word. "He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination."
Proverbs 28:9.
So what does the clear Word of God tell us when men come up with changes to what God has given us, or bring in tradition which go against Gods Law. "We ought to obey God rather than men."
Acts 5:29.
So does the resurrection change the day of the Sabbath, well the problem is that God never told anyone to keep Sunday in honor of the resurrection of Christ, or for any other reason. Lets go over them, (with attributes to my buddy palehorse) and see...